My dad called today, and I am going to spend the rest of the weekend with him and my step mom to be. Mind you I have never met her, seen their house, or what they do. Plus it's extra brownie points come Kristmas Time. :-/
It's currently noon if you can't read the time that's right there. And he is going to be here around four. Hopefully he will come pick me up in the Infinity...and I will drive us back to New Haven. I will have my cell phone with unlimited text messaging. Let's use it children.
P.S. Expect an awesome entry when I get back and I can't update while I am down there except by audio blog. I don't think they have Internet :-( If they do, I will be on AIM Down there. If I am not on AIM, then they don't have internet....right....cheerio
Phil said...
Well, that's not cool. Now what am I supposed to do all weekend. :-/