Well...Sam and I got into an argument. I am Blu47nav (If you couldn't tell), Sam is Sam Gambo, and Phil is Foxnewser. Skim and tell me what you think.
sam gambo: fuck this you guys seriously i'm going out with julie
sam gambo: every fucking day we go through this
sam gambo: i'm sick of it
sam gambo: so screw it
Blu47nav: Then hang out with Julie
sam gambo: i am
Blu47nav: Fine
Blu47nav: Just don't expect me to drop everything when you feel like going out when I do get a car....
sam gambo: ... why are you being pissy about this?
sam gambo: i have been waiting since 10 AM this morning to hang out with you guys
Blu47nav: Becuase I just went though a whole bunch of shit to even secure Ysler, and you are just going to go out with Julie
sam gambo: kris
sam gambo: you won't even get the car until 8:30
sam gambo: probably later.
sam gambo: and then we can hang out for what, 2 hours because you have to be home by 11?
sam gambo: i dropped plans with julie twice, my friend chris and kaylyn and julianne to hang out with you guys
sam gambo: it's my day off and i'm not wasting anymore time waiting around for a car
Blu47nav: Fine
xFoxNewserx: Well, it's not like Kris isn't trying to get the car, he's doing all he can do.
sam gambo: if you do get the car, maybe we can all hang out with julie
sam gambo: i know
sam gambo: i'm not mad at you for not having the car
sam gambo: i'm just sick of waiting
sam gambo: i know it's not your fault
Blu47nav: Well...its like a slap in the face to me...Well..I'm done waiting for you, and there is someone better to hang out with
Blu47nav: SO I will go out with them, and see you guys later
sam gambo: you know she isn't better than you
sam gambo: but right now anything is better than sitting in this house.
sam gambo: if you want to take it offensively, whatever
Blu47nav: Ya know..I have made sacrifices to even reserve the car, and like Phil says...I'm doing all that I can do...but it appears that it was all in vain, becuase you decided that waiting for Phil and I isn't worth it
sam gambo: Kris, if you're going to be mad at me, that's fine.
Blu47nav: Do you understand why I am angry?
Blu47nav: Well..I am not really angry, I am just bothered
sam gambo: Yeah, and I think it's a really shitty and selfish reason.
Blu47nav: I think its really shitty and selfish that you are dumping Phil and I for Julie just becuase she can be there now
sam gambo: But I am going out with Julie because I have already called her and asked her for the third time now if she wants to do something, and I am not telling her "Nevermind I'm doing something with Kris and Phil" again.
sam gambo: Well isn't that just too damn bad.
sam gambo: I could have gone out with Julie at noon, and I waited for you guys.
sam gambo: All I ever do for you guys is wait.
sam gambo: I even offered alternatives to getting the car.
Blu47nav: And I am doing everything I can to get out of here to pick your ass up...but its not good enough for you
sam gambo: Get a ride here, or get Phil because I could have gotten a ride to your house. I still could get one.
sam gambo: But you said no, you wanted to wait for the car.
sam gambo: I'm done waiting.
sam gambo: I'm going out.
sam gambo: We can do something tomorrow.
sam gambo: Or later tonight.
Blu47nav: I'm sure there is someone better for me to hang out iwth
sam gambo: Or we can all hang out with Julie.
Blu47nav: becuase I dont want to wait until tomorrow
sam gambo: Well I didn't want to wait until 9 PM at night until your family was done holding the car above your head.
sam gambo: But I did.
sam gambo: But now I'm done.
Blu47nav: Me too
sam gambo: I'm sorry that that bothers you.
sam gambo: But that's how it is.
Blu47nav: IF I did this to you...you would be ripping me up and down
Blu47nav: How about...when Dan did this to us...you ripped him apart
sam gambo: Then rip me apart, Kris.
sam gambo: Go ahead.
sam gambo: I don't care.
Blu47nav: I'm not going to waste my time...becuase I can do other things that I had to postpone while I was catering to your wanting to go out
sam gambo: Why don't you still want to go out with Phil?
Blu47nav: I fully intend to
sam gambo: I had just assumed that your family wasn't going to let you have the car at all, even after they went shopping, which is what they do every other night.
Blu47nav: When did you make this assumption, becuase If you told me a little earlier....I might have been able to make other plans aswell
sam gambo: Your plans were still the same, Kris.
sam gambo: Unless you were planning on ditching Phil.
Blu47nav: I was doing this for YOU...becuase YOU wanted to go out...and it was all worthless
sam gambo: I still want to go out, and I am going out, and you two are fully welcome to come.
Blu47nav: Speaking for myself, I would much rather die
sam gambo: Then have fun doing your own thing.
sam gambo: I'm sorry that this bothers you, I'm not angry.
Blu47nav: I am...My sacrifices aren't good enough, and you are going to ditch Phil and I becuase you want to get out of your house
Blu47nav: more than you want to hang out with us
sam gambo: You know that's not how it is, so stop trying to pick a fight with me, Kris
Blu47nav: I dont know thats not how it is
Blu47nav: becuase that is what is it looks like
Blu47nav: and it looks that way, becuase it is...
sam gambo: It's not that complicated, Kris.
sam gambo: I'm sick of waiting, and so I am leaving.
sam gambo: That's it.
Blu47nav: And that is a shitty move...
xFoxNewserx: I hate popup ads and banner ads that talk to you.
Blu47nav: Thanks
sam gambo: I don't think it's a shitty move.
Blu47nav: I know you don't...
sam gambo: I'm gonna have fun and for a good 2 and a half more hours than if I wait for the slight chance that you may get a car tonight ...
sam gambo: And if and when you get your car, you can call me, since it's apparent that me hanging out with you is so important, and we can do something.
Blu47nav: Its not anymore...
Blu47nav: But it was the entire reason I jumped through hoops to even reserve the car
Blu47nav: But that means nothing to you
Blu47nav: So...go...
Blu47nav: Have fun with Julie
sam gambo: Do you guys want to come?
sam gambo: Julie will pick both of you up.l
Blu47nav: I might have been interested a while ago, but now, no
sam gambo: LOL
sam gambo: What have I done since a while ago that has made you not want to hang out?
Blu47nav: you have made me disect why this is such a shitty thing for you to do to me, and phil, and then you don't see why
sam gambo: I see why you're mad, Kris.
sam gambo: But you are just picking a stupid fight. I'm disgusted that you'd get this angry. You've made me wait for over ten hours to do something when I could have done something at any time during the day.
sam gambo: And you don't even see why I'm going out.
sam gambo: Because a) You probably won't get the car.
sam gambo: We know your family is famous for bringing things up or needing it for other things.
sam gambo: b) If you do get it, you'll get to leave for all of .. an hour.
sam gambo: Now I want to hang out with you two, still, but I want to hang out with Julie, too, and she has offered to hang out with both of you and pick both of you up, too.
sam gambo: If you don't want to because you don't want to hang out with me because you think what I'm doing it shitty, that's fine, but you now have nothing to justify your anger because I'm inviting you out with us.
sam gambo: If either of you would like to go, you can leave me a message, but if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready.
sam gambo: Goodnight.
sam gambo has left the room.
i fucking made this piece of shit just to post on this bull shit entry.
then i realized no one fucking reads this piece of shit anyway so no one will be reading this or commenting on it.
this is bull shit, and i will be that way, because you just made yourself look like an asshole to whoever does read this.