Street Choir.
I shall start with yesterday and this morning.
Dan came over, and we had some minor interaction with Krodi. This prompted me to get out of the house. We drove aimlessly and planned for a peaceful evening with friends.
After a few phone calls we realized that it was going to be just the two of us. You can imagine what we did. (NO, not that...) We played a boardgame, 'Don't Quote Me,' specifically. I did horribly. Dan's dad kept helping him cheat, and I just haven't been on the planet long enough to know some of them. Dan's mom crushed us all. Damn those Life and Literature categories. Dan's Dad came in second as a sports major. And Dan and I went a little further, and then gave up. I wish we found Balderdash =/
After that, we watched Clue. I've seen parts of it before, but it was seperated by bits of sleep and Ashley Ritter talking. It was a good movie. I did not expect the ending, but it was good. We watched SNL, and his mom made his father an omelette at, like, midnight; which I thought was odd. But, whatever. I embrace foriegn cultures =]
It was great. It was very relaxing, and just a great evening. Spending it with a great friend made it even better.
Anyways, today:
I woke up to the sounds of construction, which is not at all uncommon in this house. Then I set about cleaning my room. On a trip out to the living room, I saw the surround sound under the TV. I learned that it wasn't being used, and so i set about putting in my room. I ran all the wires and placed the speakers. Then I set it all up, and BAM. I had surround sound Fox News. It was AMAZING. I heard all about some plane crash that I really didn't care about, but it was SURROUND.
I kept cleaning my room, and I decided that I should get rid of some old clothes. It was on a whim, really. I just decided that i should do this thing that I've been procrasting about for about three years now. Dan says that I'm going to heaven now. I filled two huge construction bags, and then i loaded them into the Trepster. Then I drove around trying to find one of those little boxes that homeless people live in. I did find one by CVS, but I realized that the bags that I had packed were much tooooo large to fit in those little holes. So, off to the Salvy in West Springfield. Then on the way home, i turned up the music really loud and danced in my seat. I don't like rap, but something about 'Just Lose It' gets me everytime.
When I got home, I cleaned my room some more, and I turned on the Digital Music Channels. And I turned them up really loud on my new surround sound system, and I closed my door (which gary put up) and I just cleaned my room some more....
In my experimentation with the SSS, I have gained an intimate knowledge of the Digital Music Channels that we pay gobs of money for, but no one uses. In addition to knowing the channels, almost by heart now, I have learned tons of Trivia by the little messages they display. I also learned that you have a music channel on, and shut off the box and the TV and still have it stream through your speakers. Isn't that nifty?
O0O0O0OO0O0O0...Peter Gabriel is on Adult Alternative, 518...
Oh yea, I found and changed my wallet, too. It wound up under my bed. It must have fallen off my desk and got carried under my bed by the dog. That little beast has a taste for LV; she ate my grandmother's purse too.