I am stilllll settling into my room, which is taking a really long time due to some mysterious lack of driving force. Actually, initially testing has determined that instead of being a force itself, it merely suppresses production and existing force. I believe it is commonly referred to as laziness. =]
Anyway, it's taking so long, I've become annoyed. Motivation is just another emotion.
Oh, look what've you done. you've made a fool of everyone.That song has been stuck in my head for far too long. For those of you who don't know, it's Look What You've Done by Jet. I caught myself humming it rather loudly on the T. I was the token crazy person in that car...
So, I ended up crashing at Aunty Chrissy's last night after drinking, and setting up the HUGE 50-some-odd inch Sony Wega TV as a computer monitor. What do you get the man that has everything? Turn something he has into something way more awesome.
I'm quite disappointed in this entry. It's turned into spouts of rambling. I had planned out exactly what I wanted to say in the shower... however that disappeared.
Here's to killing time! ::raises imaginary glass::