I like cars. Always have, and probably always will.
I like driving them. However, this is the part where problems usually arise. I hate other people driving cars. I don't understand how some people operate. It isn't rocket science by any stretch of the imagination, in fact, it's so easy you don't even have to speak English.
With a twinge of foresite, our predecessors forecasted the colour coding system to eliminate a lot of this problem. At the time, they thought that the language would be german, but it seems to be not the case. Anywho...
People have very bad habits when driving that drive an OCD asshole such as myself crazy. No pun intended. Actually, I lied. Pun very much intended.
The first and foremost of all drivers' bad habits that drives me absolutely berzerk is unnecessary braking on the highway. Unless you're getting off the highway, or there is a huge traffic backup visible to everyone, there needn't be any braking done on the highway. Especially in the left lane. If I'm flying along, the last thing I want to do is brake. God, I hate it.
It sends a signal, and creates traffic. If someone in the front of a long line of cars, suddenly activates his taillights, he sends a signal to the driver behind him to do the same thing. However, driver number two is missing some important clues... such as what prompted the braking, and how much they should brake. Naturally, the 'better safe than sorry' impulse kicks in, and they over brake. The cunts. Then, driver number three does the same. It makes big messes.
Also, why is it that some people just cannot stay in their own lanes? The lines are clearly painted, and there is no reason... Just because there is a curve in the road, doesn't mean that you get to drift over in front of me. What the fuck are you thinking? God. Cunting. Damn it. It's annoying as hell.
Oh, and speed limits. In my personal opinion, speed limits are out of date, and haven't advanced as much as car safety systems have. Brake time is much improved, and stopping distances have shortened... it's really okay to raise the speed limits. And, speed limits on the highway bug the hell out of me. Why is it that I can't go as fast as I possibly can on this impossibly smooth, straight, three lane road? Why not? It's not like there is a hairpin turn, or intersecting streets... In short, no reason to stop. Why can't I speed? Tell me, Mr. Man? Oh, wait... does this have something to do with the aforementioned slobs being on teh road? Probably.
So, I think I'm a good driver. And, I think that this is one fact that every man and woman, regardless of race or creed believes. I think that everyone regardless of gender or ethnicity or sexual orientation or personality flaw, thinks that they are above average drivers.
Apparently, the State of Massachusetts disagrees with me. They've mandated that I take a driver's reeducation course, or I'll loose my license. Oh, the robbing bastards. The cost for this 'program'? $100.00
If I don't pay the state $100, I loose my license. I'm going to sit through some crappy, watered down drivers Ed class that spans the whole day, and waste a day of my life... In short, I'm not going to learn anything, and I'm going to be out a hundred bucks. Hmm... that sounds like extortion to me.
That's my rant for today.