I've really been thinking.
Most of our laws are based on a 'moral code,' but who is to say what is moral and what is not. I believe that the only hope for humanity to continue function is to - for lack of better terminolgy - just get along.
So, back to the original question. Who says what is right and what is wrong? Ignorant people would assume that society determines what is right and what is wrong, but those same people would admit that society is influenced by many factors (Media, being the number one response.) I think morality has its roots in biblical applications. Some guy that lived a very long time ago, said or did something that everyone worships still today. I just don't understand religion and the people who follow it. There are too many holes in the whole potential theory.
I believe morals are oppressive. The basic fundamental is nice, and even practical. But, ethics, aside, why can't I marry a man? There is no reason. By virtue of application, it should be protected by the constitution. It does say the pursuit of happiness. That's it. It's there in black and white. But that isn't the only morality hindered issue...
There have been, er, are events unfolding around my life that have really got me thinking. Our percieved definition of morality is screwing us. [Wait, screwing is immoral.] [[Before marriage anyway.]] [[[Too bad I can't get married.]]] [[[[I guess I'm screwed, too.]]]]
Suicide: Assisted or otherwise.
Why is it a crime? If someone, who, legally, is capable of supporting themselves politically, financially, mentally and physically feels that they'd be better off after dying, let them. How about the person that is so sick, have heard from countless doctors that there is no cure - let alone treatement - and simply wants to die with a shred of dignity? Why can't they be allowed to do that? Why?
Death is a natural process. People alter natural processes all the time. Why is this a special circumstance? It is true that death is irreversible. There isn't any denying that. You can't undo a quadruple bypass either. Dr. Kevorkian should not be in jail.
Why is it a crime? Who said somewhere along the line that that was wrong? Here's a little culture shock for you. Girls as young as seven will come up to you in the street and offer you felatio in exchange for a few dollars. It's part of their culture and part of their economy. It's legal in germany.
If it were regulated would it be so bad? Porn is regulated...
If someone is in jail for killing fifteen people, why can't we kill them? More and more states are banning the death penalty because its supposedly uncivilized.
Lemme see if I can get this straight... We've developed a system that is so non-intrusive, painfree, and un-messy, but still effective, and now we're uncivilized. Here's a hint, when this person raped your four year old daughter, or killed your 80 year old father, they weren't being civilized. I don't feel we owe them the honour of being civil.
Statistics show that Un-Cruel and Usual punishment does not prevent crime. And, between you and me, prisoners get it pretty nice. Three square meals a day, they are kept clean, they have a place to sleep, and they get plenty of excercise. We don't even get that in the real world. You call that punishment? That sounds like a vacation. If you castrate a pedophile, they don't rape kids anymore. If you send them to jail, and extensive counseling, chances are they'll still rape kids, and it will have been a great waste of time and money. Of course, if you put a bullet in their head after all the appeals had been exhausted, we wouldn't be talking about this at all.
But, who is to say that their crime is wrong, you might ask... I do. Having sex with someone who is neither willing, nor sexually developed is unnatural and unnecessary; it does not occur anywhere in nature, and there are others.
Why can't I grow another me to harvest for parts? Why can't I create a genetic replica of me to by my child? People say I
look like my dad, why can't my kid
be me? Why can't we use cells for experimentation? What is so wrong with this, and who said so? Is it seriously someone who thinks that scientists are playing god? I think we all learned our lesson from Jurassic Park. People say that we can't create life. I don't understand. If I stick my penis inside a vagina, and I ejaculate semen, and she becomes pregnant and has a child, then we've created life.
Why is this immoral? Granted it shouldn't be an option to a lot of people. I think people should only be alotted two. One to learn their lesson, and one just in case. I feel that peole should stop trying to prevent youth from having sex; instead educate us of the dangers, but don't leave out the pleasures.
When I think of America, I think of some overbearing soccer mom. Someone who is so hell bent on protecting their kids that she ends up hurting them in the long run. The mom that never let her kid fall off his bike, and learn. That kid that never learned how to behave in a social situation with a lot of people. That kid that never got to get all covered in mud and have a good time.
I think the government is so hell bent on protecting kids, that it's hurting us. I think we are producing a less capable generation. My great grandfather probably worked in a factory when he was 10. I'd kill for the chance. Now, I have to 18, and sign ten thousand forms, and do this, and do that. My father never had to wear an ID around his neck at school. My mom never practiced a code orange, or intruder procedure.
There are other problems: like ignorance. Stupid people are getting louder and louder and making sure their opinions are heard. I'm sure there will be someone who says that about me, but I write my ideas here, and I don't mass mail them to media outlets.
America was great. So was Rome. Rome would kick our asses if they saw what society morphed into.
Elton John says, "The times are changin' now the poor get fat..."
I say, "The times are changin' now the stupid make our decisions..."