Blu57nav (9:51:23 PM): I understand that Justin IMmed you, and I want you to know that I didn't put him up to it.
CarreraGT849 (9:51:36 PM): Really?
CarreraGT849 (9:51:55 PM): So what part of the dont talking to me didnt you understand???....
CarreraGT849 (9:52:11 PM): But sence your here might as well find out what your babiling about
CarreraGT849 (9:53:38 PM): What are you tlaking about you put Justin up to iming me??
Blu57nav (9:53:56 PM): I said that I didn't.
Blu57nav (9:54:08 PM): And, if that's not how I typed it, that's how I meant it.
CarreraGT849 (9:54:33 PM): It was my fault
CarreraGT849 (9:54:43 PM): Done with saying anything to me?
CarreraGT849 (9:55:43 PM): Ok then, say nothing like you did this afternoon, ya knwo that almost hurts more then saying something mean.....
Blu57nav (9:55:54 PM): What do you want me to say?
Blu57nav (9:56:33 PM): Would you like me to say that our song came on the CD player and I cried?
Blu57nav (9:56:51 PM): Would you like me to say that I couldn't focus on anything today because all I think about is you?
CarreraGT849 (9:56:58 PM): Cried........ it didnt take a song to make me do that
Blu57nav (9:57:11 PM): The song just made me realize it.
Blu57nav (9:57:23 PM): As mad as you may be at me, I still love you.
Blu57nav (9:57:26 PM): With all my heart.
Blu57nav (9:57:39 PM): And, whatever conversation Ashley has is taken out of context.
Blu57nav (9:57:53 PM): From the moment I said "I love you," there's been no one else.
CarreraGT849 (9:58:21 PM): Kris, being exclusive isnt the oly part of a relationship........
Blu57nav (9:58:28 PM): It could be a staged conversation for all I know.
CarreraGT849 (9:58:28 PM): Theres trust
Blu57nav (9:58:34 PM): I know that.
CarreraGT849 (9:58:48 PM): And being NICE to other people even when you dont want to be
Blu57nav (9:59:27 PM): I don't know how else to explain it to you. I trust you. Stop assuming that because I don't like nor trust Dan that it has anything to do with you.
Blu57nav (9:59:51 PM): Even after the white lie you told yesterday, I don't care about that. It's not important.
Blu57nav (10:00:21 PM): What's important is that you think I don't trust you, when I do.
Blu57nav (10:00:28 PM): That hurts both of us.
CarreraGT849 (10:00:49 PM): Then let me come out and tell you!
CarreraGT849 (10:01:08 PM): I dont trust you, today you proved yourself a visious mean person
CarreraGT849 (10:01:26 PM): And cutes you cant have me if your gunna be like that!
CarreraGT849 (10:01:38 PM): What am i saying you dont have me
CarreraGT849 (10:01:45 PM): I am soooo ANGRY with you
Blu57nav (10:01:49 PM): What did I do that made me mean and viscious?
CarreraGT849 (10:01:51 PM): You really have NO idea
CarreraGT849 (10:03:03 PM): You knew taht Erik was gogint ot do something aweful....
CarreraGT849 (10:03:17 PM): Adn I would be suprised if you truly had nothing to do with it
Blu57nav (10:05:25 PM): Erik asked me what password I used to get into Dan's email. I told him. Erik obviously tried it for his MySpace.
CarreraGT849 (10:05:45 PM): Yeah, you didnt happent o hint that it was the same...
Blu57nav (10:05:50 PM): And, Dan obviously didn't change his password to his email if Erik emailed his dad.
CarreraGT849 (10:05:51 PM): Come on Kris
CarreraGT849 (10:06:17 PM): Was it ERIK!!!
CarreraGT849 (10:06:27 PM): Tell me yes
CarreraGT849 (10:06:29 PM): come on
Blu57nav (10:06:30 PM): That's who you told me it was.
CarreraGT849 (10:06:36 PM): Yeah
CarreraGT849 (10:06:41 PM): ok kris
CarreraGT849 (10:06:46 PM): Like you didnt know
CarreraGT849 (10:07:27 PM): God.. ya know what leave me alone, Its a crying same I love you.... because all your doing is just hurting me more..... exactly what I didnt want to
Blu57nav (10:07:42 PM): HOW AM I HURTING YOU MORE!?
Blu57nav (10:08:48 PM): I just want us to be okay. But, I have no way of changing your interpretation.
CarreraGT849 (10:09:09 PM): Kris you knwo exactly what you did
Blu57nav (10:09:14 PM): And, I feel like I'm fighting a losing war.
CarreraGT849 (10:09:25 PM): Your to smart not to
CarreraGT849 (10:09:36 PM): Face it I know....
Blu57nav (10:10:27 PM): When is this going to be over?
CarreraGT849 (10:10:35 PM): What?
Blu57nav (10:10:44 PM): When are we going to move on?
CarreraGT849 (10:11:06 PM): Convo wise?
Blu57nav (10:11:15 PM): Relationship wise.
CarreraGT849 (10:11:28 PM): Love I told you
Blu57nav (10:11:34 PM): Remind me.
CarreraGT849 (10:12:29 PM): Im DONE, You proved that you were a " not nice person" I told you taht you should have thought about what you did if you wanted to salvasge our relationship.....
CarreraGT849 (10:12:36 PM): I was hoping for an appoligy
CarreraGT849 (10:12:44 PM): and Deff. one to Dan...
CarreraGT849 (10:13:48 PM): YOu said taht you knew goign into his email was worng so then you go galavanting off to give his password to everyone else?
CarreraGT849 (10:13:59 PM): Ok Kris really shows you learned your lession
Blu57nav (10:17:49 PM): I know that going into his email was wrong. I know what happened to his MySpace is wrong. I know that emailing it to his Dad was wrong. I'm sorry that any of this happened. I'm sorry for giving out the password to Dan's Email three weeks after you told him to change it. I'm sorry that I can't trust Dan. I'm sorry that you think I don't trust you. I'm sorry that you feel it's over. I'm sorry that I'm in love with you.
Blu57nav (10:17:55 PM): What else do you want me to say?
Blu57nav (10:18:05 PM): What else, Michael.
Blu57nav (10:21:30 PM): I'm not a bad person. Despite what Ashley, Dan, or whoever says about me... I'm not. And, if you want character witnesses, I can provide a half dozen off the top of my head.
Blu57nav (10:22:25 PM): I'm still interested in making our relationship work. I know that with a little effort we can make it through. Are you?
CarreraGT849 (10:23:22 PM): Am I what?
CarreraGT849 (10:24:38 PM): Do you knwo what I am.....
CarreraGT849 (10:24:41 PM): I am tired
CarreraGT849 (10:24:49 PM): So I am going to bed
Blu57nav (10:25:01 PM): Goodnight.
CarreraGT849 (10:25:07 PM): Night
XxIrelandxX05 (9:24:21 PM): Kris What the Heck did u do to Mike
Blu57nav (9:24:36 PM): Who is this?
XxIrelandxX05 (9:24:42 PM): Justin
Blu57nav (9:25:12 PM): Has he been talking to you?
XxIrelandxX05 (9:25:53 PM): Just now....He said u did sunthing to him that got him Worked up
XxIrelandxX05 (9:25:55 PM): And thats all he said
XxIrelandxX05 (9:26:38 PM): And to answer your questions YES we have been talking.....But I have a bf....were talking as friends
Blu57nav (9:26:59 PM): I don't care!! Why does everyone think I'm so posessive.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:27:05 PM): i dont
XxIrelandxX05 (9:27:12 PM): Hes not ur bf anyway
XxIrelandxX05 (9:27:22 PM): so why should u care....I never said u should care
Blu57nav (9:27:30 PM): I don't care who he talks to. I don't care who he goes out with.
Blu57nav (9:27:50 PM): I don't want to baby sit him.
Blu57nav (9:28:02 PM): I just want to love him, and be loved in return.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:28:19 PM): Well Kris Im sorry but What ever u did Fucked that up today
XxIrelandxX05 (9:28:23 PM): I think
XxIrelandxX05 (9:32:06 PM): But what did u do that Pissed him off?
Blu57nav (9:32:48 PM): It's long, intricate and complicated.
Blu57nav (9:33:11 PM): Its very interpretive, and based on the person. I don't feel what I did was wrong, but, he does.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:33:25 PM): ya he does
Blu57nav (9:33:35 PM): The bottom line is, I retaliated against of friend of mine who'd wronged me. Mike is unhappy.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:33:47 PM): omg I would have done that to
Blu57nav (9:34:01 PM): Over time, Mike has become closer and closer with this kid, whom I absolutely cannot stand.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:34:11 PM): His his name dan?
XxIrelandxX05 (9:34:14 PM): or sunthing like that
Blu57nav (9:34:16 PM): This kid is a man whore, and ... Yes.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:34:36 PM): The one that he went to the movies wit last night?!
Blu57nav (9:34:51 PM): Anyway, this kid used to be my best friend, but then he evolved into this pathological liar, and has broken up relationships so he can sleep with people.
Blu57nav (9:34:55 PM): And, yes. That's the one.
Blu57nav (9:35:14 PM): I've told Mike that I'm uncomfortable with him going about with Dan.
Blu57nav (9:35:33 PM): However, I told him that I don't want to control him, and only to know that I'm uncomfortable.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:35:40 PM): leme tell u sunthing
XxIrelandxX05 (9:35:46 PM): If it makes u mad Im sorry
XxIrelandxX05 (9:35:57 PM): But Mike and My self have been talking on the Phone everynight
XxIrelandxX05 (9:36:06 PM): and he called me when he got home last night
XxIrelandxX05 (9:36:30 PM): and I brought it up about hooking up wit people....and He told me HE would NEVER hook up wit dan
Blu57nav (9:37:25 PM): He thinks I don't trust him. That's not the case.
Blu57nav (9:37:28 PM): I just don't like Dan.
Blu57nav (9:37:32 PM): Dan is scum.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:37:37 PM): Where is he from here?
Blu57nav (9:37:47 PM): I know dozens of people who feel the same way.
Blu57nav (9:37:49 PM): He's from agawam.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:37:55 PM): OMG
XxIrelandxX05 (9:38:12 PM): Does he Own his own Applyance shop
Blu57nav (9:38:17 PM): No.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:38:20 PM): I cant spell tonight
XxIrelandxX05 (9:38:22 PM): Ok good
XxIrelandxX05 (9:38:40 PM): beacause if that was the dan I was going to kill Mike my self
XxIrelandxX05 (9:40:29 PM): Anyway....Kris....Its not worth it with him! and I told him If i were u Id do the same thing
Blu57nav (9:40:54 PM): What do you mean it's not worth it with him?
Blu57nav (9:41:00 PM): With Mike?
XxIrelandxX05 (9:41:04 PM): Hes not worth the shit
XxIrelandxX05 (9:41:14 PM): Im telling him now That i dont want to talk to him anymore
Blu57nav (9:41:38 PM): Well, that's just it. I feel he is worth the shit.
Blu57nav (9:42:00 PM): I'd just wish that he'd respect me a little bit and just not hang out with people who say nothing but bad things about me.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:42:55 PM): But kris
XxIrelandxX05 (9:42:58 PM): he is his own Person
XxIrelandxX05 (9:43:18 PM): You cant expect ur bf to listen to u when u tell him who to and not hang out with
Blu57nav (9:43:45 PM): That's the problem. I don't want to tell him. I want him to just do it. But, he's so intent on finding the good in everyone.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:44:21 PM): yah well he will never find the good in me I wont let him....I just shut him off from talking to me and im ing me so blah....
XxIrelandxX05 (9:44:26 PM): Hes comming on now i bet
XxIrelandxX05 (9:44:28 PM): SEEE
XxIrelandxX05 (9:45:53 PM): Hes talking to me blah
Blu57nav (9:46:05 PM): I wish he'd do that to me. =[
XxIrelandxX05 (9:46:17 PM): ima tell him now!
XxIrelandxX05 (9:47:14 PM): XxIrelandxX05 (9:47:01 PM): Leme just tell u this.........I would have done the same thing if I were ur bf that Kris did....With that WHORE your friends wit
XxIrelandxX05 (9:47:45 PM): I hope he dont ask me ?'s about him
Blu57nav (9:48:15 PM): Thanks for your help, but, I think I'm just going to have to deal with this by myself.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:51:58 PM): oh its getting NASTY
XxIrelandxX05 (9:53:23 PM): Kris
XxIrelandxX05 (9:53:29 PM): You did not Put me up to Im ing him
Blu57nav (9:53:45 PM): Correct.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:53:57 PM): You never told me to IM him
XxIrelandxX05 (9:54:00 PM): I did it on my own
Blu57nav (9:54:35 PM): Blu57nav (9:51:23 PM): I understand that Justin IMmed you, and I want you to know that I didn't put him up to it.
XxIrelandxX05 (9:54:47 PM): Yah he just corrected him self
XxIrelandxX05 (9:54:58 PM): and i just yelled at him and told him DOnt ever assume
XxIrelandxX05 (9:55:57 PM): So anyway....Do u remember who I am yet?XxIrelandxX05 (9:55:59 PM): lolXxIrelandxX05 (10:01:57 PM): Are u ok?
Blu57nav (10:03:58 PM): They poisoned his mind.
Blu57nav (10:04:04 PM): They've convinced him to hate me.
Blu57nav (10:04:09 PM): They've won.
Phil said...
Dan is a liar and a whore. I would feel uncomfortable with him being in the same room as my boyfriend let alone going to the movies with him. If Mike can't respect the fact that you are uncomfortable with it, then he is the one with the problem. Call it being jealous or having trust but you can never let your guard down to a known offender.