xFoxNewserx (11:43:43 PM): Kris, after reading your latest blog entry, I am really confused. I just want to say that I am behind you 100%.
Auto response from Blu57nav (11:43:43 PM): The Book of Love has music in it.
In fact, that's where music comes from...
Some of it's just transcendental;
Some of it is really dumb.
- Peter Gabriel_____________________________________________________________
xFoxNewserx (11:45:40 PM): Call it jealousy, or call it whatever you want, but I think you are 100% right on about the Dan and Mike thing.. I would NEVER let my boyfriend go to the movies with another guy, let alone Dan. And if my boyfriend knew that I was uncomfortable with it and did it anyway.. He wouldn't be the boyfriend, because while I (you) may have trust or jealousy issues, he has respect issues.
xFoxNewserx (11:45:53 PM):
:-) I love you. :-)
xFoxNewserx is away at 1:14:16 AM.
Blu57nav (12:00:23 AM): What's your problem with me?
Blu57nav (12:01:06 AM): You seem to have this intense hatred directed towards me, and I'm really curious to know what I did to you.
ARit312 (12:01:36 AM): leave me alone
ARit312 (12:01:50 AM): i finally got u out of my life and i wanna keep it that way
Blu57nav (12:02:00 AM): Then, stay out of mine.
Blu57nav (12:02:15 AM): Interfering in a conversation between Dan and I isn't a good way of you staying out of my life.
Blu57nav (12:02:37 AM): If, for whatever reason, you decided to start hating me, it has nothing to do with Dan and I.
ARit312 (12:02:49 AM): dont understand mike is not ur bf and u cant control him he can hang out with who ever he wants to get along its sad ur so worried about him leaving u
Blu57nav (12:03:02 AM): And, why was I so evil that you needed me out of your life?
Blu57nav (12:03:06 AM): The issue isn't with Mike.
Blu57nav (12:03:11 AM): Dan and I had an agreement.
ARit312 (12:03:48 AM): ya it does u need to fucken learn to treat people
Blu57nav (12:04:01 AM): Which, he claims he misinterpreted. I, however, recall exactly when making the agreement explain the terms and spelling them out with him.
ARit312 (12:04:10 AM): Im not gonna sit back and watch u being an jerk to my best friend its not gonna happen
Blu57nav (12:04:42 AM): Then how are you telling me to stay out of your life? If you keep interfering, you can't blame me.
ARit312 (12:04:48 AM): hes not ur lil dog u can control he can have a life with out u and im sure it will be a better on
ARit312 (12:04:49 AM): e
ARit312 (12:06:56 AM): dont u see how many times u screwed ur friend ship up with dan and all ur other friends kris think about it
ARit312 (12:07:06 AM): do u really think ur a good person
ARit312 (12:07:25 AM): and u do no wrong?
Blu57nav (12:08:04 AM): I have never suggested that I was, and that I don't. However, you and your 'crew' seem to think that I think that way.
ARit312 (12:08:25 AM): kris we all see how u are
ARit312 (12:08:43 AM): ur are an awful friend
Blu57nav (12:08:45 AM): Really?
ARit312 (12:08:52 AM): ya reallyt
ARit312 (12:09:08 AM): ur even screwing up with ur boyfriend look at urself
ARit312 (12:10:33 AM): kris ur own family doesnt want u dont u see it
Blu57nav (12:10:57 AM): That was low, inappropriate and wrong.
ARit312 (12:11:09 AM): its was true
ARit312 (12:11:30 AM): ur driving everyone away
Blu57nav (12:11:33 AM): We aren't bringing my family into this... but, explain how family also doens't want my brother, sister or dog.
Blu57nav (12:11:47 AM): Did I drive them away, too? Then why are they still around?
Blu57nav (12:11:56 AM): Why did Grandma take me in and buy me a car?
Blu57nav (12:12:03 AM): Because she hates me? Obviously.
ARit312 (12:12:21 AM): look at the way ur treat her someone so good to u
ARit312 (12:12:24 AM): u lie to her
Blu57nav (12:12:53 AM): Wait a minute... you said I drive her away? Which argument are you going with at the moment?
Blu57nav (12:13:02 AM): Can you pick one and stick with it? Please?
ARit312 (12:13:24 AM): no what im not gonna waste my time anymore sorry im done nice talking to ya
Blu57nav (12:13:41 AM): You haven't made your point.
ARit312 (12:13:58 AM): the point is i really dislike u for many reason
Blu57nav (12:14:26 AM): Can you list them?
ARit312 (12:14:29 AM): and im not gonna be nice anymore now that i no longer have to work with ur and sorry to tell u but no one liked u at work anyway
Blu57nav (12:15:22 AM): Again... being mean and spiteful when completely unwarranted.
ARit312 (12:15:31 AM): ah who cares
ARit312 (12:15:39 AM): remember im a "bitch"
Blu57nav (12:15:57 AM): Yes. I said that, and I've stood by it.
Blu57nav (12:16:14 AM): And, at the moment, you have yet to disprove me.
ARit312 (12:16:38 AM): as u notice im only like that to u and no ones seems to argee with u
Blu57nav (12:17:06 AM): No one?
ARit312 (12:18:15 AM): that what i said
Blu57nav (12:18:58 AM): I can find several, however, I think if you really said what you meant, it would read something like: No one in the car with me tonight seems to agree with you.
ARit312 (12:19:13 AM): good byes kris im done with u
ARit312 signed off at 12:19:16 AM.