I finally bought the highly sought after Jag.
Merry Christmas to me. Santa also brought me two navigation systems and a trip to Monteal! All I need is the deed to the platinum mine, and I'll be set.
Matt said that you could buy little sweaters for your bonnet leaper, but I haven't been able to find them. I also want to the change the voice of that annoying Magellan lady, but I don't think you can.

The pictures below show the wrong car. Different wheels, and a different interior configuration.
I put a deposit on a Jaguar the other day!
Isn't she lovely?

Happy Birthday to mee!! I hopefully get to pick it up tomorrow. I think I'll name her Basil. Not so excited about my $3800/year insurance though.
In other news, I found myself thinking about Phil and David the other day. I honestly don't remember what happened there, but I know that it's stupid. Life is short, you shouldn't intentionally dislike someone. Come to find out that David checked out my Manhunt a few weeks ago, and Phil just the other day. Weird, eh?
I sent Phil a friend request on MySpace. We'll see what happens.
Oh, yea... other stuff. Well, hate school, love Matt. The usual crap. I'm just excited about my Jag!