This'll be a quick post because I'd told my grandmother that I'd be home in five minutes...
Work today was cool. More power tools, and more broken feet. I left covered in saw dust. It was awesome. I felt very heterosexual. Lol.
Yesterday I hung out with a kid I met through MySpace. His name is Mike, and he's from Enfield. We didn't do much of anything, we just kinda drove around. I felt kinda bad because I didn't have a destination, but we just drove around and talked. [I hate the word 'talked' but nothing else seems to fit just right.] It's really nice to get to know someone new; not that I'm bored with my old friends, its just... refreshing.
My car is filthy. She hit 6000 miles today, and I'm going to give her a bath tomorrow. Her rims are gross, too. :-/
Went to Ikea for the 3047th time this week. I love that store so much, and I have yet to buy anything there, I just love to go. Everyone else buys stuff.
... Phone call. Must run.