Heated debate...
So at SS today we did debates. As some of you can imagine...
It was awesome, anything they could throw at me I was able to refute then rebutt. It was in Formal debate fashion (excluding Hume and Rather) and it was fully political. There were three issues discussed. Legalization of marijuana ( I was on panel), Constitutionality of the new smoking laws (I presented), and Capital Punishment (Again on Panel).
The panel is essentially the audience who gets to ask any question they want at the end of the presentations. I fucking stumped those to whom I asked a question. (Usually seven part questions :)) I was also able to crush any pathetic attempts to deflate my case. I was against smoking in a room of smokers, and I still crushed any panel questions, and my opponent.
It was great for my self esteem. :)
Says the blind man...
Well...I had summer school today, and surprise was the same old shit.
We are doing debates, but our teacher is such a fuck head that he didn't set it up right, and even chose our opinions for us. Fun. Well, I am supporting the new smoking laws in Massachusetts. He did this so as to avoid confrontation, which I would have presented. I hate him as much as Martin. Don't get me wrong...I hate Martin too. I hope Guido breaks her arm soon.
Yea...focus. So we went to the Library today. I gathered information like: A printout of the new law, the ingredients in Cigaretts, and other crap that no one in their right mind should care about.
Then, Mex picked me up, and I went back to her house to fix her Satellite reciever. (Turn it on). Then I got The Trepster and headed home. I got ready for work and then left.
I did more computer-based training. Fun. After getting about three hours into this beast of a lesson, I had to take my break and I lost my spot in the computer terminals. So I says to Lisa, I says, "I have forty five minutes and nothing to do." She had me shadow this oddly attractive guy I helped him bag, and then we had to get carriages. One of which hit my car. I am weird when I park, and I have friends who can attest to this. I like to park waaaaaaaaaaaay out in the middle of nowhere. Like, where the lights don't shine, i.e. the mugging havens.
I was harvesting carriages, and I see Treppy, way out yonder. Alone. With no cars around for ten spots at least. And a carriage with the corner having hit just above the rear passenger wheel. Argh.
Yep..well...that's about it.
Nothing of Importance happened today.
The unnerving thing about that is that the King of England wrote the same thing in his journal on July 4, 1776.
Everybody needs a little...JFC
Wow...I haven't written in a few eventful days. I think the four of us have finally reached a balance so we all float with our heads above the water. All is cool
Anyways...I started work, Did some other stuff, and got into/solved some minor conflicts. If you want anything more specific you will have to jog my memory...
I can't think of anything else.

Trying out some new software, and I need a picture. I was too lazy to look for something, and print screen was right there....
New and shiny
Everything is all good again. Peace Negotiations have ended, and the texts are avaiable for Geneva 5. Or just ask me...And I will send it to you.
Shit happens....then you die.
Well...Sam, Phil, Dan and I have hit some more rocks in our friendship. I am certain that we will overcome. We are good friends, but, like the title indicates, shit happens.
I don't even remember why we aren't talking, it happens so often nowadays. Each person blames the other, and a whole feud begins. Its a really healthy relationship, thanks for asking.
As in any strong relationship, concessions have to be made. I think we are all just sick of having to concede. I know I get a triffle offended when they slit my moral throat. And I know that they get angry when I bring it up. So we all get really pissy. Its kinda like a weekly PMS. I admit I am just as sick of it as they are, but we all have issues that the others are unwilling to address. C'est la vie. Guys...It was great, but I am moving on. Life is too short....Shit happens, then you die.
I am more than willing to re-open peace negotiations...
Back to the future...
Well...I did try to audio blog, but it didn't work out so hot. So we all know that I disappeared to Bean Town this weekend. Some fun stuff happened.
It started when my aunt stopped by to tell me that she was going to take me to Boston the next day. Well...that started me a thinkin' and I realized that I double booked my weekend. :-/ There was a party at the Jensens that I said I was going to, but then my aunt was taking me for the weekend. The decision was a difficult one, but family comes first.
I did get to drive to boston in the Beemer :-). I got there and there was nothing to do. There is a HUGE pool, but it is cold no matter how long it is in the sun, and there is a monster TV. The only problem with the TV is that it is in the media room. The room we were painting...Meaning, no furniture. I became an expert on solitaire, and started averaging about 3000 points per game. Not too shabby, eh? BTW...NO INTERNET. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE. But I made them call, and they ordered it. :-) I love my influence.
So after being high on paint fumes, it didn't help that they bought me an entire case of Twisted Tea. Oh time...I bring friends. I got a call on saturday afternoon. I got a job. Big Y. I start on Saturday. Treppy will be mine at last.
Also..I learned a new card game. I will have to teach it to you guys.
Well...I go the interview. I answer their questions. I did a fine job, but they said that they are doing call backs for second interveiws. They said that they would call back on Monday the earliest.
I called my aunt, and she says that they only do second interviews for corporate stuff. Oh well...
I am going to hold out hope...I NEED THIS JOB FOR MY BABY!
The light at the end of the Tunnel...
THIS IS REDICULOUS...i AM SITING HERE HAVING FNISHED EVERYTHING THAT i NEEDED to finish, but still cannot go anywhere. Today, In additin to our Daily language crap, we read the Tell-Tale Heart. Fond memories of sixth grade flooded back to me. THIS IS INSANE. I am writing most of this entry in a word document on my PDA, and this keyboard is kinda difficult to type on. Anyways.....
Recent developments:
Sam and I are talking again, and there will be no more of an explanation. So...
After we made up, we went to the mall with Phil, and attempted to play the Lesbian game, then the Mullet game, then the Lesbian-Mullet game. You have to understand...we were bored.
I am trying desperately to get my PDA to work on the wireless network at home. I have several cards, and the network adapters, and the cradle, and the keyboard, and just about every thing besides a stylus. It doesnt stick in anymore, and I kinda lost it somewhere. Well...i think that my battery is dying as per my PDA keeps shutting off. So ... TTFN
I lied, it has just about a full charge, but I am attracting a lot of unwanted attention with my little setup. this Travishamockery of a teacher jut told me to put it away, and I gave him the death stare, and he retreated. I feel victorious. more games for this beast...I have won solitaire for my 25th time before i started writing this. It was crazy. I think those flying cards are getting burned into my screen.
Like my random thoughts???
So I have an interveiw at 1530 at Big Y. I hope I get the job, I need it to get Treppy.
My aunt came to my house today. She was in her beautiful beemer. I asked if I could take it for a spin around the block, and to my SHOCK she said yes. She handed me the keys, and she was like...A half our okay? Thinking I would have the car for like five minutes...I was soooooooooooooo happy.
Its that exact Four Doors are rare..but she got it.
Furthermore, she may let me take it to my interview. :-DDDD
Ignorance is Bliss...
SS was horrible today, as usual. I was finished with my assignment at 10:51, and had to sit until 12:00 when he dismissed us. I wanted to die. Everyone one else was finished early, but not as early as me. The rest of the class was spent playing solitare on my PDA, and the rest of the class talked.
Common topics of disscussion were drugs, drug usage of students, and drug paraphernalia. Seven students incriminated themselves of drug possesion today, and the teacher said "umm" eighteen times. I was bored...
As I was writing this, I saw a thing on Fox News for W Ketchup. I just wanted to mention it becuase I think its really cool.
Yea...So sam and I still aren't talking, she refuses to apologize because she feels that she didn't do anything wrong. Well, Sam, I think what you did was really shitty. And when you apologize to me...We'll talk. Until then............
That's all for now.
Be that way
Well...Sam and I got into an argument. I am Blu47nav (If you couldn't tell), Sam is Sam Gambo, and Phil is Foxnewser. Skim and tell me what you think.
sam gambo: fuck this you guys seriously i'm going out with julie
sam gambo: every fucking day we go through this
sam gambo: i'm sick of it
sam gambo: so screw it
Blu47nav: Then hang out with Julie
sam gambo: i am
Blu47nav: Fine
Blu47nav: Just don't expect me to drop everything when you feel like going out when I do get a car....
sam gambo: ... why are you being pissy about this?
sam gambo: i have been waiting since 10 AM this morning to hang out with you guys
Blu47nav: Becuase I just went though a whole bunch of shit to even secure Ysler, and you are just going to go out with Julie
sam gambo: kris
sam gambo: you won't even get the car until 8:30
sam gambo: probably later.
sam gambo: and then we can hang out for what, 2 hours because you have to be home by 11?
sam gambo: i dropped plans with julie twice, my friend chris and kaylyn and julianne to hang out with you guys
sam gambo: it's my day off and i'm not wasting anymore time waiting around for a car
Blu47nav: Fine
xFoxNewserx: Well, it's not like Kris isn't trying to get the car, he's doing all he can do.
sam gambo: if you do get the car, maybe we can all hang out with julie
sam gambo: i know
sam gambo: i'm not mad at you for not having the car
sam gambo: i'm just sick of waiting
sam gambo: i know it's not your fault
Blu47nav: Well...its like a slap in the face to me...Well..I'm done waiting for you, and there is someone better to hang out with
Blu47nav: SO I will go out with them, and see you guys later
sam gambo: you know she isn't better than you
sam gambo: but right now anything is better than sitting in this house.
sam gambo: if you want to take it offensively, whatever
Blu47nav: Ya know..I have made sacrifices to even reserve the car, and like Phil says...I'm doing all that I can do...but it appears that it was all in vain, becuase you decided that waiting for Phil and I isn't worth it
sam gambo: Kris, if you're going to be mad at me, that's fine.
Blu47nav: Do you understand why I am angry?
Blu47nav: Well..I am not really angry, I am just bothered
sam gambo: Yeah, and I think it's a really shitty and selfish reason.
Blu47nav: I think its really shitty and selfish that you are dumping Phil and I for Julie just becuase she can be there now
sam gambo: But I am going out with Julie because I have already called her and asked her for the third time now if she wants to do something, and I am not telling her "Nevermind I'm doing something with Kris and Phil" again.
sam gambo: Well isn't that just too damn bad.
sam gambo: I could have gone out with Julie at noon, and I waited for you guys.
sam gambo: All I ever do for you guys is wait.
sam gambo: I even offered alternatives to getting the car.
Blu47nav: And I am doing everything I can to get out of here to pick your ass up...but its not good enough for you
sam gambo: Get a ride here, or get Phil because I could have gotten a ride to your house. I still could get one.
sam gambo: But you said no, you wanted to wait for the car.
sam gambo: I'm done waiting.
sam gambo: I'm going out.
sam gambo: We can do something tomorrow.
sam gambo: Or later tonight.
Blu47nav: I'm sure there is someone better for me to hang out iwth
sam gambo: Or we can all hang out with Julie.
Blu47nav: becuase I dont want to wait until tomorrow
sam gambo: Well I didn't want to wait until 9 PM at night until your family was done holding the car above your head.
sam gambo: But I did.
sam gambo: But now I'm done.
Blu47nav: Me too
sam gambo: I'm sorry that that bothers you.
sam gambo: But that's how it is.
Blu47nav: IF I did this to would be ripping me up and down
Blu47nav: How about...when Dan did this to ripped him apart
sam gambo: Then rip me apart, Kris.
sam gambo: Go ahead.
sam gambo: I don't care.
Blu47nav: I'm not going to waste my time...becuase I can do other things that I had to postpone while I was catering to your wanting to go out
sam gambo: Why don't you still want to go out with Phil?
Blu47nav: I fully intend to
sam gambo: I had just assumed that your family wasn't going to let you have the car at all, even after they went shopping, which is what they do every other night.
Blu47nav: When did you make this assumption, becuase If you told me a little earlier....I might have been able to make other plans aswell
sam gambo: Your plans were still the same, Kris.
sam gambo: Unless you were planning on ditching Phil.
Blu47nav: I was doing this for YOU...becuase YOU wanted to go out...and it was all worthless
sam gambo: I still want to go out, and I am going out, and you two are fully welcome to come.
Blu47nav: Speaking for myself, I would much rather die
sam gambo: Then have fun doing your own thing.
sam gambo: I'm sorry that this bothers you, I'm not angry.
Blu47nav: I am...My sacrifices aren't good enough, and you are going to ditch Phil and I becuase you want to get out of your house
Blu47nav: more than you want to hang out with us
sam gambo: You know that's not how it is, so stop trying to pick a fight with me, Kris
Blu47nav: I dont know thats not how it is
Blu47nav: becuase that is what is it looks like
Blu47nav: and it looks that way, becuase it is...
sam gambo: It's not that complicated, Kris.
sam gambo: I'm sick of waiting, and so I am leaving.
sam gambo: That's it.
Blu47nav: And that is a shitty move...
xFoxNewserx: I hate popup ads and banner ads that talk to you.
Blu47nav: Thanks
sam gambo: I don't think it's a shitty move.
Blu47nav: I know you don't...
sam gambo: I'm gonna have fun and for a good 2 and a half more hours than if I wait for the slight chance that you may get a car tonight ...
sam gambo: And if and when you get your car, you can call me, since it's apparent that me hanging out with you is so important, and we can do something.
Blu47nav: Its not anymore...
Blu47nav: But it was the entire reason I jumped through hoops to even reserve the car
Blu47nav: But that means nothing to you
Blu47nav: So...go...
Blu47nav: Have fun with Julie
sam gambo: Do you guys want to come?
sam gambo: Julie will pick both of you up.l
Blu47nav: I might have been interested a while ago, but now, no
sam gambo: LOL
sam gambo: What have I done since a while ago that has made you not want to hang out?
Blu47nav: you have made me disect why this is such a shitty thing for you to do to me, and phil, and then you don't see why
sam gambo: I see why you're mad, Kris.
sam gambo: But you are just picking a stupid fight. I'm disgusted that you'd get this angry. You've made me wait for over ten hours to do something when I could have done something at any time during the day.
sam gambo: And you don't even see why I'm going out.
sam gambo: Because a) You probably won't get the car.
sam gambo: We know your family is famous for bringing things up or needing it for other things.
sam gambo: b) If you do get it, you'll get to leave for all of .. an hour.
sam gambo: Now I want to hang out with you two, still, but I want to hang out with Julie, too, and she has offered to hang out with both of you and pick both of you up, too.
sam gambo: If you don't want to because you don't want to hang out with me because you think what I'm doing it shitty, that's fine, but you now have nothing to justify your anger because I'm inviting you out with us.
sam gambo: If either of you would like to go, you can leave me a message, but if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready.
sam gambo: Goodnight.
sam gambo has left the room.
Good Morning, Sunshine
Well...I awoke from a strange dream to a pleasant surprise. Treppy was in the driveway waiting to take me right to school. At school we did our Daily language crap, and then we watched the Dead Poets Society. I love that movie...its my new favorite. It does kinda seem like a gay love story. And did you ever notice how some movies could be easily converted into pornos? Dead Poets Society would make a great gay one.
Anyways. I came home for lunch, but then Ashley told me I had to return Treppy. So I drove back to Grandma's house, and my brister was there. So we all got int the car, and I drove home. Grandma took the car, and went home. Then Kodi told me that Grandma is planning to give the car to Ashley, and leave me with nothing.
This presents me with a slight problem. Do I believe Kodi, who is right about 3 1/2% of the time, or do I start planning for not having a vehicle.
If Ashley gets my car, I think I will take her insurance money and buy a nicer car. BIOTCH.
BTW...I was called by a prospective employer and I have an interview at 15:30 on Thursday. Also, A haircut on Wednesday at the same time.
Weekend Update with Tony Snow...
So this weekend wasn't that bad despite some earlier problems. We planned a weekend after my previous one fell threw, involing Sam, Phil, and myself. We did want Dan to come, but he had work :-(.
So BY SOME MIRACLE OF GOD, WE ALL HAD RIDES...I'm telling you that is an extremely rare occurence. Right up there with Planetary Alignment or bathing for some people. so we didn't do anything special, we played card...and more card. It was fun though, we were among friends, And Cammy was there so it was great. I'm sure pictures are available somewhere. We talked about how Chantel, the blind girl in our school, is really kinda nasty, and made horrible fun of her. I'm pretty sure there is a video of our exploits somewhere out there.
And then Sam was brought home when Smashley came home from her whoring. Then Phil, who slept over if you couldn't tell yet, and I watched beaches. I admit it....I cried. But you have to understand. That whole Wind Beneath my Wings song has a different meaning for me. They played it at my Grandfather's funeral and that night was actually one year since his death. So anyway...on to greener pastures...
Then the next day we did the same thing...Phil and I played card while being plagued by my Brister. Then Sam came over, but Dan couldn't make as per he made other plans. Phil and Sam got really mad at him, and I don't really care one way or another. But Sam absolutely crush Stoney's spirit. Somehow Nicole got involved, and Sam and her tangoed. You can ask me for a sample of their convo. So becuase I didn't get pissed at Dan, I am assumed to have a crush on him. I don't, but they won't believe me anyways.
Then we played cards...again. If you are curious...we Play rummy, and I really like it. And its pretty sad that they had to teach me :-/.
So then Today, Monday, It was back to the SS Internment camp. Today we did our Daily grammar shit, and then we did analogies :-DDDDDDDDD not. I was so excited to revisit fourth grade materials that I almost wet myself. Grandma dropped me off today, and wouldnt let me take the car to begin with, even though I asked. On the return trip, I asked if I could take it, and she said that she had to put gas in it first. What exactly that means...I don't know...
Getting that car is like the fucking Survivor challenge. In order to get any car (Ysler, Ion, or Treppy) I have to do a fucking challenge. To get Ysler yesterday I had to lay in a bed of cockroaches.
To get Treppy today I can't even imagine what I have to do, but I do have to run...I'm late for my fucking Immunity Challenge.
I'm in Kris' room and I really have to pee but his Mom is in the bathroom eternally and I just wrestled Kodi his homo brother and I feel gross.
After Operation Lieberman fell through I was hoping I could salvage some sort of plan for tonight. BUT NOOOOOOOOOoooOOOoOOOoOoOOooOoOoOoOOoOoOOoooOOO.
So my mom says I can take her car after I slave over a mountain of chores, which is nothing unusual. So I get home, ready to take the car, when I learn that SMASHLEY took the car to go fucking baby-prostituting. What a fucking Slampoe.
So I call her up and ask if I could take it run to pull an Operation Phil, but she says no. WTF, NO?! Ysler is just sitting in some rich guys driveway while she watches his kids. I AM SO MAD. I HAD THE FUCKING CAR RESERVED BUT SMASHLEY HAS TO WATCH CHILDREN. FUCK ME.
I KNOW I will not be able to get Treppy becuase I would have to fucking return my FUCKING CAR to my grandmother by nine, nine thirty at the absolute latest. Becuase the fucking car....NO...MY fucking car has to sit in her driveway becuase she is a control freak. FUCK
So...our plans are shot for the night guys. I'm sorry.
Plans Change
Once again, the plans have changed. My mom went on a rampage upon learning of my proposed trip, and tore my dad apart just as she had that Telemarketer earlier.
Anyways. The new plans are I mow the lawn at two (I'm a little late, but I don't give a flying fuck.) and he will call me at about five thirty to give me information regarding my trip down there. I will make him pick me up tonight even though I am pretty certain that he wants to get me tomorrow. I'm living in a war zone, and I need to get out...tonight.
Well...exactly 27,971 square feet of over-grown grass is calling me...
I'm going to only mow 26,999 and they can suck my ass if they don't like it.
My dad called today, and I am going to spend the rest of the weekend with him and my step mom to be. Mind you I have never met her, seen their house, or what they do. Plus it's extra brownie points come Kristmas Time. :-/
It's currently noon if you can't read the time that's right there. And he is going to be here around four. Hopefully he will come pick me up in the Infinity...and I will drive us back to New Haven. I will have my cell phone with unlimited text messaging. Let's use it children.
P.S. Expect an awesome entry when I get back and I can't update while I am down there except by audio blog. I don't think they have Internet :-( If they do, I will be on AIM Down there. If I am not on AIM, then they don't have internet....right....cheerio
Sweet Dreams are made of this...
Last night I had the weirdest dreams ever. At least I think it was more than one, but you never know with dreams.
I was at someone's house; I think it was Sam's. I needed a drink, So I opened the cabinet to get a glass. In the Cabinet, I see the largest M&M Sundae I have ever seen. It was made like a regular M&M Sundae, but it was in like a Double Jack Dandy bowl. (Those of you who are regulars to Friendly's know what I am talking about.)
Then, somehow, next scene of my dream I was with Dan. We were at the movies not paying attention to the movie, but just making out... o_O Odd, huh? Then we were at Dan's house, but not the house we all know. It was different. It was a much lager, but older house that somehow reminded me of Max Bertrand's house. But then, at the far corner of the house, by the road, there was a single police car. I wandered over to that corner of the house, and everyone else was elsewhere. Then the cop knocked on the window, and told me to hand him everything in the room, but not to touch it becuase I was standing in a crime scene. Apparently some body was discovered under a tree outside in the dark. So after I asked the officer to repeat what he said (hand everything in the room to him through the window) I turn around and the room is like a mile long. Then Dan's mom waddles in and tells me that she would handle everything, but I didn't want to because I had my fingerprints on four items. I thought I was going to go to jail unless I handled it. It was sketchy.
OMG AND...At about 10:30 this morning, the phone rang. My mother slithered over and picked up the phone and gave a skeptical 'hello?' Then next thing I know, my mom had totally broken this poor telephone solicitor and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. My mom beat her bloddy corpse into the ground so far that she probably commited suicide a few minutes later.
Friendly, You bet we AREN'T
Hokay, So, Dan, Sam, Phil and myself decided to go see Anchorman at the movies tonight, but it didn't quite work out as we planned. My mom decided that I needed to help set up the patio furniture, and held the keys hostage until it was done :-(. So she made me late in getting the car, and there wasn't enough time to get us all to the movies.
Our desperatation and fear of being bored home alone, prompted us to revert to GAME NIGHT ((C) Cirillo Family) at Dan's.
The game of choice: MONOPOLY
It was a huge consipiracy between the left and the right side of the table. It came down to Dan and I v. Sam and Phil. Our agreement worked like this: if it helped you, didn't hurt the other guy, and hurt the other whores, then it was good :-). It was like being eligible for S Corporation Taxes...
It was quite a showdown, and if I didn't have to get a fucking chance card that made me fucking advance to fucking Board-fucking-walk complete with the fucking Ritz Fucking Carlton, I think I would have done alright...But C'est la vie et Que Sera. After I withdrew from the game, unable to continue in a newly impoverished state, we went to Friendly's.
The place was empty except for about six booths, and our waitress, Madame Depresso, seated us at the scene of the Robot Attack of 1967. It was a hilarious experience, but it was so calm. Everyone except us that is. We had so much fun doing what we alway do...Laugh at odd people. We were kinda loud too...I half expected us to get thrown out. Then we would have just gone to West Side's. Any ways, Our waitress was a Slampoe, and got a 49 cent tip.
Phil will tell you more...
Anyways, then all of us went our seperate ways. And now I am home...bored....
Minor Mishaps....
Phew...After a little bit of confusion I was able to get everything to work. Like I said in my other Blog (which I set up accidently, but I cannot find a way to get rid of it) I have wanted one of these for a while. JFC I FEEL LIKE ITS KRISTMAS :-D . Sam Inspired me with her DX, and Phil was the deciding factor when I read his.
Right, so. I got the audio blogger thing to work, and I made a test post. I later deleted it becuase it made me sound like a fag, not that I don't do that on my own. It is a really cool feature, and if I ever like the sound of my voice, I may use it.
So about my day. Well...I woke up at about nine to the ringing of the telephone. Never fail, a solicitor answered requested a parent, and horribly mispronounced, of all words, KELLY. After that, I called my grandmother and told her to bring over Treppy to take me to school. Like usual, She needed MY FUCKING CAR to run errands, and refused my offer to drop her off at home so she could take her other car.
So I went to summer school and almost died as per it is so boring. The dick-head teacher finally realized that we were using a seventh grade text book, and gave us a ninth grade book. Close but no cigar...
That's it so far, I will probably update again today becuase this is my new toy :-) . TTFN