Street Choir.
I shall start with yesterday and this morning.
Dan came over, and we had some minor interaction with Krodi. This prompted me to get out of the house. We drove aimlessly and planned for a peaceful evening with friends.
After a few phone calls we realized that it was going to be just the two of us. You can imagine what we did. (NO, not that...) We played a boardgame, 'Don't Quote Me,' specifically. I did horribly. Dan's dad kept helping him cheat, and I just haven't been on the planet long enough to know some of them. Dan's mom crushed us all. Damn those Life and Literature categories. Dan's Dad came in second as a sports major. And Dan and I went a little further, and then gave up. I wish we found Balderdash =/
After that, we watched Clue. I've seen parts of it before, but it was seperated by bits of sleep and Ashley Ritter talking. It was a good movie. I did not expect the ending, but it was good. We watched SNL, and his mom made his father an omelette at, like, midnight; which I thought was odd. But, whatever. I embrace foriegn cultures =]
It was great. It was very relaxing, and just a great evening. Spending it with a great friend made it even better.
Anyways, today:
I woke up to the sounds of construction, which is not at all uncommon in this house. Then I set about cleaning my room. On a trip out to the living room, I saw the surround sound under the TV. I learned that it wasn't being used, and so i set about putting in my room. I ran all the wires and placed the speakers. Then I set it all up, and BAM. I had surround sound Fox News. It was AMAZING. I heard all about some plane crash that I really didn't care about, but it was SURROUND.
I kept cleaning my room, and I decided that I should get rid of some old clothes. It was on a whim, really. I just decided that i should do this thing that I've been procrasting about for about three years now. Dan says that I'm going to heaven now. I filled two huge construction bags, and then i loaded them into the Trepster. Then I drove around trying to find one of those little boxes that homeless people live in. I did find one by CVS, but I realized that the bags that I had packed were much tooooo large to fit in those little holes. So, off to the Salvy in West Springfield. Then on the way home, i turned up the music really loud and danced in my seat. I don't like rap, but something about 'Just Lose It' gets me everytime.
When I got home, I cleaned my room some more, and I turned on the Digital Music Channels. And I turned them up really loud on my new surround sound system, and I closed my door (which gary put up) and I just cleaned my room some more....
In my experimentation with the SSS, I have gained an intimate knowledge of the Digital Music Channels that we pay gobs of money for, but no one uses. In addition to knowing the channels, almost by heart now, I have learned tons of Trivia by the little messages they display. I also learned that you have a music channel on, and shut off the box and the TV and still have it stream through your speakers. Isn't that nifty?
O0O0O0OO0O0O0...Peter Gabriel is on Adult Alternative, 518...
Oh yea, I found and changed my wallet, too. It wound up under my bed. It must have fallen off my desk and got carried under my bed by the dog. That little beast has a taste for LV; she ate my grandmother's purse too.
Tail cut long.
I have lost my wallet. I cannot find it anywhere.
I remember buying gas before I went over to Dan's house on the 24th of November. After I removed $20, I placed my wallet in the cubby under my radio. As I was leaving the gas station, I put the wallet into my back pocket.
I was all over Dan's house. We were in the basement for a time, and then in the family room to watch TV. The couch and both chairs. I called him, and Dan said that he didn't find anything. :-(
The next morning was thanksgiving. I spent most of the day at my Uncle's house.
I called my uncle and they found nothing.
I have checked my car with a fine-toothed comb, I have check all of my dirty laundry for the past five days, I have checked all of my jackets and coats. It is no where to be found.
White meat...
I woke up this morning after a wonderful evening with Dan, Ashley, Sarah, and Shelley. We watched some movies, it was great. I fell asleep :-/
Anywho. The first thing I saw when i woke up, was my brother. He was wrapped in a towel, and looked like he had shoe polish smeared all over his head. It turns out he had dyed his hair to black. Whatever.
I was fortunate enough to be nominated to haul everyone to my uncles so I get in my car and wait at the end of the driveway for the rest of the stooges to get their crap together. I call Dan, and the Jensens and wished them and their families a Happy Thanksgiving. I was about to call Sam when they fell out of the house and into my car.
We managed to get up to my Uncle's house, and then Mom and Gary got married. They called in a JP and did it right there in my Uncle's living room. Right in front of the fire. It was short and took about four minutes.
Gary is my step-father. It seems so strange. Its official. Bizarre o_O.
After that we had a small breakfast. Nothin' better'n eggs and champagne, right? And then we watched Elf. It was 5 out of 10, but it had one of those endings that left you all tingly. I guess I rated it so low becuase I hate movies where the characters get themselves into a problem, and you can see the confrontation coming a mile away, and get bored with it before it even happens, and you just hate the character for getting into that mess. I think its a serious condition called apex apathy, but don't worry; I'm getting the help I need.
After Elf, we had a smashing meal thanks to all the women-folk. It was great. Everything that a traditional Thanksgiving has, and then some.
Throughout all of this there were long periods of boredom. On one such period Dan called me and said that he was at my house, and inquired as to where I was. I was in Feeding Hills, though I there would have been little that I wouldn't've traded to be there with him. On another, I was again the chosen. I got to bring my great aunt to pick up her car at my grandmother's. For those of you who don't know, my aunt is old. She was a Captain in the Air Force and she retired 4500 years ago. She's traveled the world, she is very political, and (it seems wacky religions run in my family) she is a Christian Scientist. Look it up.
Over dinner before we left, out of the blue, she started talking about Laos and how the people didn't know what individual property was like. It was an interesting experience, and everyone just talked over here to their neighbors. She reminds me a lot of the grandfather on the Simpsons.
Its only a little after four, and the day is not over. I will post later if anything happens.
White meat...
I woke up this morning after a wonderful evening with Dan, Ashley, Sarah, and Shelley. We watched some movies, it was great. I fell asleep :-/
Anywho. The first thing I saw when i woke up, was my brother. He was wrapped in a towel, and looked like he had shoe polish smeared all over his head. It turns out he had dyed his hair to black. Whatever.
I was fortunate enough to be nominated to haul everyone to my uncles so I get in my car and wait at the end of the driveway for the rest of the stooges to get their crap together. I call Dan, and the Jensens and wished them and their families a Happy Thanksgiving. I was about to call Sam when they fell out of the house and into my car.
We managed to get up to my Uncle's house, and then Mom and Gary got married. They called in a JP and did it right there in my Uncle's living room. Right in front of the fire. It was short and took about four minutes.
Gary is my step-father. It seems so strange. Its official. Bizarre o_O.
After that we had a small breakfast. Nothin' better'n eggs and champagne, right? And then we watched Elf. It was 5 out of 10, but it had one of those endings that left you all tingly. I guess I rated it so low becuase I hate movies where the characters get themselves into a problem, and you can see the confrontation coming a mile away, and get bored with it before it even happens, and you just hate the character for getting into that mess. I think its a serious condition called apex apathy, but don't worry; I'm getting the help I need.
After Elf, we had a smashing meal thanks to all the women-folk. It was great. Everything that a traditional Thanksgiving has, and then some.
Throughout all of this there were long periods of boredom. On one such period Dan called me and said that he was at my house, and inquired as to where I was. I was in Feeding Hills, though I there would have been little that I wouldn't've traded to be there with him. On another, I was again the chosen. I got to bring my great aunt to pick up her car at my grandmother's. For those of you who don't know, my aunt is old. She was a Captain in the Air Force and she retired 4500 years ago. She's traveled the world, she is very political, and (it seems wacky religions run in my family) she is a Christian Scientist. Look it up.
Over dinner before we left, out of the blue, she started talking about Laos and how the people didn't know what individual property was like. It was an interesting experience, and everyone just talked over here to their neighbors. She reminds me a lot of the grandfather on the Simpsons.
Its only a little after four, and the day is not over. I will post later if anything happens.
Bad movies...
The following is a test of the 'nothing major happening' system.
Thank You.
My Golly..
Where to begin...Oh, yes.
The Trepster is going in to have the rear breaks done tonight. Well, we are dropping it off, and its going to be taken care of tomorrow.
School was boring, as per usual.
Work hunting is sucking, as per usual.
I'm bitter about several things, and those things are weighing heavily on my mind, as per usual.
My family is annoying, my friends are great, and all that per usual.
Caio for now...
RoadIron, LLC INTL?
Well, I just got an email from Gregoire Tondreau. For those of you who don't know who he is, which is, as I assume, all of you, let me just tell you that he is representing Roland Berger, and he is european.
Specifically, He is from Brussells, and is requesting more information on RoadIron to "assess if there could be an interest for this in some of the EU countries."
This is amazing, everything I had ever hoped would come out of this program is happening. We are still investigating the potential of forming a company that manufactures RoadIrons, but there are issues with forming a corporation within a corporation.
If that happens, not only would be the only robotics team to create their own sponsor, but I would get to be the CEO of my first company before I even get to college.
Life is good. 8-)
P.S.: Not all of you know what the RoadIron is. RoadIron is a pothole detection and prevention system that helps to destroy potholes before they even start.
Interviews, interviews, interviews...
I stopped the lyrical titles, though I am proud of myself for lasting so long. Why don't I trust myself more...
Anyways, I just finished an interveiw with Channel 56 out of Boston, and this is Road Iron's seventh day of being on the AP News Wire. (That's longer than the death of Ronnie Reagan. RIP Gipper, we miss you :'-(
Still job hunting. There was an important settlement reached yesterday regarding my allowance. Mother and I have talked it over, and we have agreed upon an amount that is enough to cover my gas, lunch during the week, and discretionary spending. Even though I really don't have to work anymore, I still need a job in case mom pulls a mom and cuts funding.
Dan was back in school today, and, I don't want this to sound all mushy, but I was soooo glad to see him. Lunch was pretty boring without him. His nose looks much better.
In other news, Family is going away from December 8 - 18. Thank God, I can't take much more of them. A break will help me reset our problems. I think I will be spending the weekend of the 17 - 19 in Boston. Anyone interested in joining me, please contact me.
Oh and he should know, he's been there enough...
Well, it seems there are some people that pissed at me, and I want to take this oppurtunity to wish a big ol' "FUCK YOU" to 'em.
Still job hunting...I'm considering a tutoring job that would pay me a lot, but is wicked far away. Everything I earned would turn into gas money.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I have to go to the bank and get money that I didn't earn, put gas in my car, and I think I want to go shopping.
Well Daniel says it's the best place that he's ever seen...
Well, Dan had his surgery today. I know its not a major procedure, but I'm worried for him.
Today, being a holiday from school, I went to Sam's house. We had a thousand pounds of food admists a familial civil war. After that, we went to the Jensens.
We decided that we were going to let Sam drink in Robinson Park. So we went to Robinson. Andy had to get gas, but myseriously appeared as we were walking to a secluded spot. Sam had her rum and coke, and Andy left to go to a dentist appointment.
Then we went back to the Jensens and hung out in the basement. Erik left to go to Jay's, and Sam, Andy, and I went to pick up some stuff in Longmeadow and drop it off at ATC Audio. About half way through this trip, I learn that Sam is texting Phil.
And, to make things even better, Sam will be ditching me to hang out with them tonight. Now, this makes me a little upset. Allow me to explain why:
A) Sam and I were hanging out, and, apparently, on a finite schedule. If I were hanging with Sam, and someone called I would have turned down the plan on sheer propriety.
B) This makes me feel inferior to these assholes. I think it upsets me most for that Sam chooses them over me. The two that she claimed to have hated so much, that can apparently offer more than I can.
C) This makes me realize that Sam is a totally selfish person. After I explained how I felt, she calmly replied to me, "I know how you feel, but I don't care."
Whatever. TTFN.
They say Spain is pretty, though I've never been...
 | You preferred Bush's statements 100% of the time You preferred Kerry's statements 0% of the time Voting purely on the issues you should vote BushWho would you vote for if you voted on the issues? Find out now! |
God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes...
So this weekend was...interesting.
On Friday I get a call from my Aunt that she had to call of the weekend. Why you ask? Well, her and my Uncle decided to fly to London for the weekend...lucky bastards.
So Dan and I go the Cape, instead. First we stopped off at this kid's, Ryan, dorm at Wentworth Institute of Technology. Now, for those of you who don't know, this school is on Huntington Avenue in Bahstun. Getting there, was, well, challenging, but when we got to the Ave of the Arts, it was smooth sailing.
We spent the night there, and, I won't lie, I had the worst time I have ever had in my life. I go to meet this Ryan, and he seems like a pretty cool kid. From what I met of him, I guess he is an only child becuase he just...he was that way. I met some other college kids and it was a pretty cool experience. It was, however, odd. We were locked in the dormitories, and were unable to leave. We watched some movies, most of which I didn't like :-/ (Most of which, Ryan liked...making me feel even more out of it.) . I felt out of place as Ryan and Dan were cuddling on one couch, and I, unable to leave, was on a chair. Three is a crowd, and I felt bad that I was having a good time becuase they were having a great time. I didn't want to wander away and get lost, so I was stuck. We finally stopped watching movies and then hung out with some other kids from the dorm, and went to bed around 2. I had one the best nights of sleep...I think those couch cushions were posturpedic or something. And some of the softest blankets I have ever felt.
Making me feel out of place even more, Dan and Ryan were sleeping in the same bed in the other room :-/. I was in a strange room, alone, surrounded by people I don't know, in a town I'm not intimately familiar with, laying awake. It was grand. Then, around five, this group of kids walked in and insisted I was some kid named Paul. Lol. Odd indeed.
Anyways, the next morning, we continued on our way to the Cape and made it there around lunch time. Grandma took us out to lunch at this delightful little restaurant called The British Beer Company. I LOVED IT. We were greeted by this little old lady with a british accent, and it was all decorated in typical conservative british style. Dan and I took some coasters :-)
Then we went to the Kennedy Compound after getting lost three or four times. The parts that we could see were magnificent. After we dropped Grandma off, we went to PTown and walked around.
On the way back...Dan broke my laptop. Dan. Broke. My Laptop. Broke it. I wanted to kill him and I gave him the silent treatment all the way back to the house. I probably overreacted, and I just want to let him know that I am sorry. Dan: You mean more to me than the stupid computer. I think I'll just have to put in for a new one for Christmas. C'est la vie.
The next morning we rushed home so that Dan could attend this church thing he had to go to. I don't understand how he embrace the religion that not only considers him an abomination becuase of his sexual preference, but also prescribes death to remedy his situation. How nice. And that children, is why I am an athiest.
Those of you who have driven on the highway with me, know that I warp into a different person. I become an aggressive, efficient and masterful driver. I'm humble too :-) Anyways, I am one of the elite who know how to properly drive, and how to speed without getting a ticket. (I even had Mom's car Andy. Its skill, not the plate.) Dan is one of the people that you get stuck behind. He drives slow. In the left lane. Doesn't move over. Gets offended when people pass him on the right becuase he is going so slow. Is more concerned with getting in between two nice cars, than fucking driving. In short, Dan is one of the people that I scream at, and push out of the left lane. Dan, you have earned your Jesus fish, and your Garfield window cling.
Well, that's all for now. TTFN.
Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye...
Smashing, just fucking smashing...
Well...London is coming back to haunt me. My uncle, the one who I was supposed to be staying with this weekend, rolled over this morning and said to my aunt, "I think we should go to London."
Fucking, One hour and 13 minutes later, they had tickets purchased, room rented, and rental car scheduled. My aunt called to tell me the good news...
So I am still trying to work something out to get Dan and I out of here for the weekend. I will post later.
Chim Chim Cheree, luv...
I can see the red tailed lights heading for Spain...
My TV and my alarm clock turned on simultaneously at 0600 telling me to wake up. I shut off my TV and alarm becuase I had an ortho appointment, so fuck school. Little did I know, that my appointment was at 0800...I slept too much later, and jumped in the shower and dove into my car like it was the last chopper out of 'nam.
I came home and continued my job hunting. I have some places I found in my paper that I should call...Later
I changed my AIM font Verdana 8, bold, grey; I fiddled with my profile. I cleaned my room, ate some cake, napped, listened to Lewis Black. It was an okay day.
On another note, I kinda miss voter fraud. Its two days after the election and there should be lawyers going ballistic, instead they are airing SOUP AND FUCKING STRAIN COMMERCIALS. This time last year, there was a fox party :-/
Arafat's dying and the Jury's deliberating...I see a deathpool in the near future, and a guilty verdict.
Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane...
As WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS blares in the background, I'm reflecting on the happenings of the last few minutes...
Why the long face, John?
Senator John Kerry has just conceded the election the "right" guy, George W. I am so happy he realized that he lost, and accepted it. I have a new found respect for Kerry, I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for him. I've never seen a man lose so gracefully.
I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression, I am extremely happy President Bush is going to have a second term, you cannot even imagine. I do think, however, I'm going to miss the challenge of debating my side in the most liberal state in the closest election in history. C'est La Vie.
Goodbye John "Just Kidding, Flip Flop, Botox-Boy" Kerry.
Enough of the sentimental crap...
I beleive that this has been the longest sabbatical I've taken from blogging, and a brief recap does not give it justice. There's been births, deaths, love, hate, friendships created, friendships destroyed, hearts broken, musical discoveries, military maneuvers, and much more. Alas..I will start blogging again...