I like American Idol. It's a great show. However, I don't watch it for the music, nor for the pop culture aspect. I like to watch Simon decimate people's self esteem and confidence. I love it. I love him.
The auditions are the best part. Some people think that they can sing so well, and are so cocky about it, when in all reality, they can't sing well at all. I admit, I can't sing well, but it doesn't stop me from singing...
Now, you may be asking, why am I talking about American Idol? The answer is quite simple. I can't wait to see Andrew Turner get torn a new one by Simon. And Randy. And Paula, if she's sober. :-P
In other news, I took a whole bunch of those online quizzes which you can see by scrolling down. I don't know why, I was just in an odd mood, I guess. I've learned that I'm going to bang Vin Diesel in a van four times, which, I must say, I'm looking forward to.
I've been introduced to a wonderful new website by an online friend of mine. His name's Phil, and the site is I went to website and I typed in Elton John, and I was rocking out to Crock Rock in a matter of seconds. It is amazing. Then, they take the characteristics of Elton and match them with those of other artists and they play all sorts of like music. It. Is. Awesome.
Mike is going to Florida tomorrow, and I selfishly don't want him to go. :-) He's going to visit his southern family and friends. I'm having too much fun with him. He caught an enormous spider. It was big and ugly and hairy, and he named it Michelle. I laughed on the inside. Then we went to all sorts of car dealership. It started out as a quest to find a W8 engine, which we found within minutes of pulling into Lia Volkswagen, and then we ended up at Thomas Jaguar. I fell in love with a new car, and it's cheaper than Tatu. I don't know what I'm going to do about it just yet. It's a Jaguar X-type, and she's silver with black interior, and she's gorgeous.
Well, I'm going to have to cut this short. Something just came up.
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
 Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct! |
Sometimes these things are so accurate, that they're wicked creepy.
I think that this one was pretty accurate.
Your Birthdate: December 25 |
Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects.
You may become something of a perfectionist and a stickler for details.
Your thinking is logical and intuitive, rational and responsible.
Your feelings may run deep, but you are not very likely to let them show.
This birthday makes you a more private person, more introspective and perhaps more inflexible.
In friendships you are very cautious and reserved.
You are probably inventive, and given to unique approaches and solutions. |
Well, I took the next step today, a year later. :-)
Career Inventory Test Results Extroversion | | 56% | Emotional Stability | | 86% | Orderliness | | 73% | Altruism | | 66% | Inquisitiveness | | 80% |
You are a Persuader, possible professions include - entertainer, recruiter, artist, newscaster, writer/journalist, recreation director, librarian, facilitator, politician, psychologist, housing director, career counselor, sales trainer, travel agent, program designer, corporate/team trainer, child welfare worker, social worker (elderly services), interpreter/translator, occupational therapist, executive |
Take Free Career Test
personality tests by
Rainy days are so depressing. The overall atmosphere just instills a sense of melancholy that can only be cured by food, friends, and a nice hot fire.
I think this'll be a short entry.
REPOST: TRUNCATED.It seemed an elegant solution.
It was hot today, and I when I got in my car, it was even hotter. I rolled down my windows, opened my sunroof, and drove to Dunkin' Donuts for my iced coffee. I tried blueberry, more on that later. After DD, I made the short trip over to the Jensens, where I parked my car in the shade. I'm guessing that this what my thought process: 'It's kinda hot, I'll park in the shade and leave my windows open.' Well, when it was time to leave, there were leaves in and all over my car. I almost had to rake everything out, and I still haven't got it all. I guess it's over to Mike's to get my car Dyson-ed again.
Well, at the Jensen's they were getting ready for some event up at Hampden Country Club, and they were stressed. Erik asked me to iron his pants for him. Then his shirt. Then his dad's pants and shirt, and then Andy's shirt was there so I did that too. I'm pretty sure JX2 would fail without me. I ran their dishwasher after they left, because there were no clean coffee cups, and because Mom's on vacation. I don't think a Jensen can function properly without coffee...
So, I'm talking to Phil again, and I still don't know why he was mad. The thing is that he is no longer mad, so that's good. He's going to the movies tonight with his new MySpace boyfriend to whom he proffessed an undying love for while intoxicated. Oh, the things we do for love. He wanted me to go bowling with him, but I'm soo bad at it. I maintain that I am the worst bowler on the planet. And, that shall never change. It's just destiny. I can't bowl. I think it's kinda like your sensory perceptions. For example: blind people can hear better than most. I think that because I'm very bad at bowling, I'd probably kick ass somewhere else. I just wish I knew where.
I've decided to give MySpace its due. There really isn't a reason that I haven't become more integrated with mainstream teens... so why not? I was reading some of the bulletins that I got, and one of them was amazing. It was something that Mike sent, and it read as such:
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.So repost this in the next 5 minutes and a miracle will happen tonight.Now, I didn't send it anyone, so there was no miracle. :-( But, I do like the message. I especially like the part where it says, "... every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back." As I was saying to Mike afterward,: "...some of them are entertaining and insightful."
I invited several people to be my friends. Yay. Go MySpace.
I haven't seen Dan for a while, but I did talk to him for about 3 minutes this morning. It was a conversation brimming with excitement as I was tired and he on his way to work. I told him to call me when he gets out. I don't know when that'll happen.
Everyone keeps asking questions about Mike, and he did correct me and told me that he was single. Naturally, as the questions rolled in, I did wonder. I guess I could like Mike that way, and he's extremely nice, exceptionally polite, well-versed about all manners of speak, knows where he is going in life, how to get there and he's adorable too. I don't know if he's up for that kind of a relationship. Either way, I do think he's awesome, and I plan to get to know him better. My old attractions still linger, though... Sometimes I wonder if they'll ever go away. They've been around for a very long time.
I had planned to finish my projects before I started a relationship. I want my braces off, and I planned to get in better shape. Which by the way, reminds me. I haven't posted any progress. Well, since I started, I've grown two inches, lost about 30 pounds, and I feel way healthier. I didn't like the old me and I'm glad that it's finally going away. I'm much more active, mentally and physically, and I have much higher self esteem. I was looking at an old picture of myself today, and I really saw a change.
Overall, I'm just happier.
I 've grown to hate the old me. I consider myself an extremely different person now than I was then. I had all sorts of physical ailments that were caused by nothing more than my being overweight, and now they are gone. It was so simple, I wish someone had told me that. My quality of life is so much better. I know what I want to become, and I know how to do it. It's only time holding me back.
Enough rambling.
I love Broadway, and I want to see every single Andrew Lloyd Webber work that there is. I have a CD in my car that's just... so awesome. I can't describe it. The music is euphony, and they lyrics are poignant. It's quite lovely. Anyone up for going to see some shows?
DISCLAIMER: THIS POST FOLLOWS NO FORMAT AND NO RECOGNIZABLE PATTERN. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please make a note. That "Mike Kid" is not my boyfriend, and there are no standing plans to change his status. We are just friends, and that's that. And, no, I have not slept with him, nor do I plan to in the near future... you assholes. I'm pretty sure he has a boyfriend anyway... Thank You. Please stop asking. Lol. I've only hung out with the kid twice, jeeze.
In the little time that I have spent with him, I do think that he's awesome. When I make billions, I'm going to buy him an Audi A4 with his favourite 1.8T engine in it.
That's another thing I've been kicking over in my head, and though it'll never happen, it's still cool to think about it. If this hydrogen thing takes off, I want to buy all my friends and family members (that I like) cars based upon their personalities. Erik and Andy are getting little Audi TTs. Mr. Jensen is getting a Porsche Cayenne. Uncle Leondard is getting an H1. Aunty Chrissy is getting an XK8 convertible. Phil's getting a big black Cadillac Escalade, Sam a Dodge Viper, and that's all I've decided on. Oh, and I'm getting every Bentley, Rolls-Royce and Jaguar that I want. They are subject to change.
In other news, Phipps217 keeps logging on and off AIM, and the notifications are driving me crazy.
Last night was the last night I'll ever see Jackie. Well, not really, but it seems that way. She ended up going off to college and we had a small soiree to send her off. I miss her already, and she needs to quit school and come home immediately. To make things worse, she called me and left a message on my phone saying that there was an Ikea in PA... So much for needing me. :-/ Just kidding. I miss you, Jack-jack.
I have a hundred things floating in my head, and the loudest is Brittany Spear's Toxic song... I have no clue why. :-P
I'm just emoticon-happy today. Wow.
I made a major stride in summer work progress today. I purchased all the summaries of all of my books from Pink Monkey, and I'm preparing to print them. I did, naively, take out all three of the books from the library, and attempted to read them. I should have known that that was
not going to happen. They are:
The Grapes of Wrath by John SteinbeckAn extremely depressing and long tale that does nothing but bash capitalism. There is an entire fucking chapter about a fucking turtle crossing the fucking road. I picked this stupid book because it counted as two, which meant three summer books instead of four. Everytime I pick it up, I feel more and more like strangling myself with a plastic bag - not because it's tragic, but because I hate it.
Animal Farm by George OrwellThis book is a shockingly accurate description of what would happen on a farm, if all the animal spoke english, and had political opinions. It's about the conflict existing between Communism and Socialism. If you know me at all, you know that I hate both of them. They're simply anti-capitalist.
Moby Dick by Herman MelvilleIt's about a whale that beats the shit out of the people trying to hunt it. I'm not sure what the real life parallels and symbolisms are yet. I'll report back after I scan the summary...
Dilbert by Scott AdamsThis isn't actually what I'm supposed to be reading, but I've been reading several of these books in the place of the aforementioned sob stories. Let me just say, that I love them. They are so funny. I wake my grandmother up at three in the morning because I'm laughing about something crazy that Alice does, or one of Dogbert's witty comebacks, or maybe it's the Point Haired Boss's lack of understanding. You should read some of them. They're great. I wonder what Scott Adams looks like. I bet he's old and bald.
Yearbook Stuff by SachemThis isn't actually a book -- yet. Lol. I felt the need to mention it, because it's also part of my summer work.
College Stuff by AnonymousAgain, not a book but something that's been consuming inordinate amounts of my summer. :-)
I have decided to once again be civil to Sam, because rumour has it that she's changed, and is no longer the bitter, selfish Sam we all loved to hate. We shall see... Actually, Phil's been more of jerk to me of late. Asshole. [I'm squinting angrily at you... That's right.]
Back to school on the sixth. I'm kinda excited, but, I'm kinda blase about the whole thing. I'm going to be a senior, but, at the same time, I hate school. :-D
I really wish I knew how to make little accent-graves appear over some of my 'e's. If you know how, or you would like one of the summaries that I have purchased, IM me.
This'll be a quick post because I'd told my grandmother that I'd be home in five minutes...
Work today was cool. More power tools, and more broken feet. I left covered in saw dust. It was awesome. I felt very heterosexual. Lol.
Yesterday I hung out with a kid I met through MySpace. His name is Mike, and he's from Enfield. We didn't do much of anything, we just kinda drove around. I felt kinda bad because I didn't have a destination, but we just drove around and talked. [I hate the word 'talked' but nothing else seems to fit just right.] It's really nice to get to know someone new; not that I'm bored with my old friends, its just... refreshing.
My car is filthy. She hit 6000 miles today, and I'm going to give her a bath tomorrow. Her rims are gross, too. :-/
Went to Ikea for the 3047th time this week. I love that store so much, and I have yet to buy anything there, I just love to go. Everyone else buys stuff.
... Phone call. Must run.
I got this in an email ages ago, but I never really liked it as much as I do now....
We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and other liberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights.ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything. ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be. ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy. ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes. ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care. ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair. ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure. ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful. ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights. ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from. ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all, with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH.Take that, you commies.
Well, lots of stuff is going on.
I just quit Stop and Shop. I hated the union. It hurt me, which, isn't what the union is supposed to do. I'm too young to recieve any of the benefits, and it holds me back. Unions in general are communist. It's a whole, entire system based on rewarding non-production. It's anti-capitalist. Well, that's that.
I have a new job. It's everything I wanted in a part-time teenage job. I really like it so far. I actually have responsibility.
Dan is pissed at me; Well, I think he is. He'd probably deny that he's angry with me, but I can tell just by the way he talks to me. Let me explain why...........
It all started when I learned that Michelle has instructed Dan to spend less time with me. Dan told me that she didn't approve of our friendship, but I never realized that it was this bad. What did I do to her? From talking to various people, I've learned that Michelle thinks that I'm trying to break them up, she thinks that I'm a drunk, and she doesn't like that I smoke occassionally. She doesn't like that I'm sexually active. Please bear in mind that I have not heard anything from Michelle because she's been avoiding me and my phone calls.
Well, that's just it. Dan doesn't like the fact that I called her. Well, Dan, I'm sorry, but she is creating a problem that doesn't need to be there. I'm trying to get to the root of it, and fix it.
If she really does hate me for those reasons, then she really hates just about everyone I know... When this issue is resolved, I shall post of it further.
Dan also thinks that I violated his trust. He says that he she told him 'in confidence' and he todl me 'in confidence.' Well, for one thing, he didn't tell me. He probably did not do this as to avoid me going over to her house, with him in tow, and demand immediate resolution... that's just how I roll. ;-) And for another thing, how does he tell me that I'm the cause of an apparent problem that I don't even understand, and NOT expect me to do anything about it? I just don't understand him sometimes...
This just reminds me of the whole Jay thing. It's like, how could he tell me, and expect me to do nothing. In that case Erik was being hurt and didn't know it, and this case it was me being hurt and not knowing. Well, I found out, and I did what needed to be done. Well, I'm trying at least. Michelle won't call me back.
Moving on to Erik. He's been going to Robbie's an awful lot, and it's a long trip. I'm kinda concerned that he might be jumping into another relationship too fast, but that's his choice. He's 18, he can do what he wants. One thing that I wish to caution him about is what he's not doing up here. Does everyone remember that thing Erik does when he starts a relationship? Basically neglecting his friends, and spending every free second with the person he likes? Well, it's happening again. It doesn't really bother me that we hang out less, because we still do get to hang out, and I'm over his house almost everyday anyway. I know that Cait is, and some others are upset because they feel that he ditched them to hang out with Robbie. For the record, though I don't know him well, he seems kinda... juvenile. He reminds me of Austin Powers, only without the accent and sixties clothes, and with more peircings.
I really hate all this drama. It seems that everytime I clear it up, it just comes back. Assholes.
What else??? Oh, yes. It cost me $30 to fill my gas tank the other day. I was pissed! I have never spent THIRTY FUCKING DOLLARS on gas for that car. That car has awesome mileage. I really pitty some people, though. Lol. Like, people with SUVs... they spend about $80 to fill their tanks. More power to 'em if they can afford it, and they don't really care. But, jeeze. $30...
In other news, the Jensen's cousin, Colin, is over. He's driving me crazy. He's eight. We share the living room. I wonder how the other Jensen cousin, Josh, is doing. Erik and I were talking about him while we were at the cottage, and I didn't realize that he's trapped like he is. Its really kinda sad, and I feel bad for him. I should call him...
On to politics, how twisted would a Hillary Clinton and John McCain ticket be?! Man, I don't think it'll happen, but it could... it's politics, anything possible. If Hillary were VeeP, it'd be even more possible. I don't understand how so many people like her.
The bank's being an aaaaaaaasssssssshhhhhhhhooooooooollllllllleeeeeee. When I closed my account at BankNorth, they wouldn't issue me a debit card without my mom's signature... well, I was moving out, so I didn't have the option of saying 'hey, mom come on down to the bank here and sign this thingy so I can get me a handy-dandy debit card,' so I closed the account and opened one at Bank of America. Well, come to find out, after I've ordered a new card twice that they no longer issue debit cards to persons under the age of 18 regardless if there is another name on the account. Bastards. The world's out to get me.
Also, I am shocked to find out how little information there is on the web about hydrogen. There's shit. I went to this antique shop in town near the high school, and they let you use these stacks of paper kept in between two hard sheets of woody material. I forgot what they call them, but one side of the stack is bound so that you can open it to any one of the papers. There's information printed on the papers, and you can go to any page almost like you'd scroll on a computer. It's a nifty little thing. This place even lets you take them out, if you bring them back.
Alright, two things.
I'm still that bundle of feelings. And, I hate it. Emotions suck, and it's times like these where I really envy Terri Schiavo...
That, and the Jensen's need more waffles. <3
This summer work will be the death of me.
Post With No Name.
I hate drama. I hate it around other people, and I hate being in its presence, but it seems far worse when it happens to me. I cried today for the first time in a long time.
Since I've moved out of my house, I haven't escaped anything. It's just a different place for different shit. To be honest, I don't like living with my grandmother, and I knew that I wouldn't, but I had no where else to go. My own mother and father didn't want me. That was a tremendous blow to my defenses, and it was even harder because I can't understand why. I'm not the problem child, the mess maker, or even the fighter. I just don't understand. I try and I try, but there's no logical reason I can think of. When I ask them, they can't give me a reason. There isn't a reason.
To make everything worse, my brother decided to tell everyone he knows that I'm gay. Including, but not limited to: my mother, my father, my stepfather, my stepmother, both of my grandmothers, various aunts and uncles, and of course all of his friends. Why? I don't know. I haven't seen or heard from the kid in over a month. Nobody seems to understand why I don't like him, and it cannot be explained. He is evil. That's that.
Well, it happened. As I'm writing this, I'm seeking refuge on the Jensen's couch with nobody home. A seemingly unsavory parallel to my own life -- nobody home. I know where the key is, and I've been taking in the mail, but I only usually stop once a day. I left from here to go to robotics, and then came back here. I don't know what to do. Some of my family won't accept it, and dislike me for it, but others won't understand. It's the ones that don't understand are the hardest. They are going to ask me a million questions that I am going to have to answer a million times. I don't want to run away from these problems, but I just can't face them right now. The worst is going to be my grandmother, the one I'm living with. Not only is she going to not understand, there's a real possibility that she won't accept. What do I do now? Where do I go then? No 17 year old on the planet should have to deal with this.
All this happening as I'm starting with college stuff. But, I'm putting the horse in front of the cart. I've got a beefy senior year planned. I'm Sachem Editor, CEO of Robotics, and a full academic load. Not to mention my internships, and work.
Friday, I have my arraignment from when I got stopped with Sam, Kaylyn and Phil. I'll probably loose my license for 30 days for being out. On top of the fine for speeding. Sam is the most costly mistake of my life; I'm still paying for it, and I'll be paying for it a long time to come.
As this has been consuming my brain, I started to think about Phil. He was the one person that I could talk to about this, and for whatever stupid reason, we don't even talk anymore. I visited his blog for the first time in several weeks, and I didn't find anything new. I started going through all the archives, and I came across several entries that made me even more upset. I stopped on his post of the same name. I read the letter that he wrote to me, and... well, I just don't know. I felt bad for him, even now. So long after that. All the entries where he was saying that he only has two friends, I kinda resent him for cutting me out. He decided that our friendship has 'run its course,' and it broke my heart. He knew more about me than anyone else. He was supposed to be with me through thick and thin, and be in my life for the rest of it. This wasn't supposed to happen. We were supposed to do so much more, but, he changed his mind. I could barely take the conflict that forced me out of the house the first time, and he couldn't stand by me, or help me, or even understand me... It hurt me so much. I can say that I don't really miss him, but that's because I'm used to Sam being permanently attached to him; I don't like that Phil. I miss the old him. The him from so long ago, from Nicole's and from Will Hobbs. I miss him from when it was just the two of us in the car, driving around, considering what to do. But, Phil has changed, and I don't like the New Phil. I miss the original recipe, but it'll never be back... We've fought before, and our for-lack-of-a-better-term 'break-up' has been foreshadowed by that.
The void they left, was quickly filled. I'm much closer to Jackie and Cait and Erik and Andy than ever. I hang out with Emily and Sarah much more. Then, of course, there's Dan. There are plenty others, too. As well as piles of free time that I can be productive with instead of doing nothing with them, or waiting while they do something, or sitting on Sam's bed or in Sam's Friendly's.
Anyway, enough of that, I don't know what to do. I know that I'm going to have to face at least my grandmother eventually, but I don't think I can anytime soon. I want to move out for several reasons, this not included. I know she'll hold the car over me, and she'll be alone again, but I have to do it. It's things like this where I look forward to college. I want to be free of it all. All the drama. I hate drama.
I guess the worst of it all, is that there's no one I can turn to. Nobody's shoulder I can cry on. I've spoken to Erik and Dan, but they are both on vacation. Dan's in Buffalo, and Erik's at the Cape. Jackie and Cait are having their own family issues with moving back into the big house, and Jackie is taking time off. I actually just got a call from Erik, but I forced him off the phone because I can only imagine how depressing I must sound over the phone... He said that if he were here, he'd give me a big hug. It did make me feel better; it just goes to show that it is the small things...
I hate drama.
Since I've been writing this, my grandmother has called me. She asked where I was, and I told her I was at the Jensens. She told me to return home immediately, or she would take the car. I told her that I wasn't ready to come home, and that I was spending the night here. I looked out the picture window as my taillights pulled away. I'm sitting in the dark. I shut off the lights when she came; only the light of my screen in the entire house.
Blogger was doing some maintenance or something that prevented me from publishing, so I saved it.
Next day.
Well, Emily and Cait came over and stayed with me. Emily spent the night. It was nice to not be at that place, and to not have to deal with all that.
The phone rang a million times while I was sleeping. I'm sure they were all for me, but I was too tired to get them. I finally got one, and it was Mrs. Jensen.
I have work today at four, and I know that I'm going to have to go home before that. She brought my car back sometime during the night or in the morning. I feel kinda bad, becaused I yelled at her when she said she was going to take the car. I knew she only wanted to buy me the car to use as a control. I told her that, and she got upset. I don't think she intended it to be used like that, and I think that that's further underlined by her returning the car. That's why I wanted the Jaguar, and I was going to pay for it...
I'm much more calm this morning. Though, I'm sure I have quite bad breath and no toothbrush.
Sam IMmed me last night, and made me realize, once again, everything I disliked about her. She is manipulative. She has compassion for none but herself, and acts only for that. She asked me if I wanted to drive them to Goshen, for old time's sake. I was too busy to think of it then, but why would I want to do that? Yes, Sam, I can't wait to drive all over the planet to 'hang out.' I put three hundred miles on my car that last time we 'hung out' and I also got a paper arrest. Why would I want to be out past midnight, driving again? If I had never met her, or stopped talking to her when Phil and I vowed to do it, I wouldn't have half of these problems. I'm not blaming her for them, by all means, no. I blame myself for my continued association.
I was told I could no longer stay in my house if I were to associate with Sam and Phil. I left.
The car was given to me on the condition that I no longer hang out with Sam and Phil. I lied to my grandmother. I told her I wouldn't, and I hung out with them anyway.
I've spoken to another Agawam Police Officer, and, though this may not be the case, most officers neglect speeding. But, when there are three or four teens in the car, they rush. He said this is probably what happened. The officer took all my information, ran my license number and found no 'priors,' but, saw two or three drunk passengers, and a brand new car, and assumed I was a spoiled little rich kid who neglects the law. So, he wrote me a citation and a criminal application. He told me that he would have just let me go, because he thought what I was doing was 'noble.' C'est la
I'm not sure what's next, but I think I'm going to look for a new job. Stop and Shop cut my hours waaaaay back. I'm down from 33, to 15. I wish I were 1
8. Or emancipated. If I get emanicipated, I might get screwed for college. Of course, I might get screwed anyway. My father told me that my parent's agreement for paying for my college isn't written on paper. Which, to me, means that he is going to recant.
Well, I hope today is better than yesterday.
Thanks Emily. Thank you Erik. <3
Wow. It's been a while, and many things have happened.
Well, If you really must know, you can ask me because I don't feel like remembering all that crap and then writing it all down...
Today, I'm interning with the Senator, but he isn't here. Ya know that old saying 'When the Boss is away, the employees shall play?' Well, thats exactly what's happening here. I'm set up with my laptop on the counter, and to my right is Gena. She is on the phone with I think her mother, and has her leg up on the desktop. Richard Peck just came back from Dunkin' Donuts, because coffee is the fuel in the Buoniconti political machine. Candice is in the other room. She's on the phone, actually working. She is talking to some constituent about some zoning thing. Matt is at his desk, playing solitaire. That man knows how to party. ;-)
In other news, my arraignment is the 12th of August for my traffic violation. I got the summons to court, and I called my grandmother. Sure enough, she knows the judge. Lol.
Please hold whilst I drink my coffee and listen to one of Candice's bar stories.
I'm back, and I have decided to research some Vermont State Laws and compare their 'deposit and return system for motor vehicle tires.'
So long.